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世界经济年鉴 2021年 PDF版

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《世界经济年鉴》创刊于1979年,本卷为第37卷,是2014年改按学科体例以来的第8卷。 编撰世界经济年鉴的主旨:全面展示世界经济学的研究成果,增进该学科内外的交融,促进该学科相关机构和学人的发展,充分满足该学科一线学者和政策决策者等主流读者的需求,尤其要“发挥为党和国家决策服务的思想库作用”(参见“习近平致中国社会科学院建院40周年的贺信”,《人民日报》,2017年5月18日,第1版)。 作为哲学社会科学的组成学科之一,世界经济学必须坚持马克思主义的指导地位,体现继承性、民族性、原创性、时代性、系统性和专业性,解决学科体系、学术体系、话语体系建设水平总体不高、学术评价体系不够科学等问题(参见“习近平在哲学社会科学工作座谈会的讲话”,《人民日报》,2016年5月18日,第1版)。 基于上述定位,2020卷保留了之前的主要栏目,并在第一篇“世界经济学”的“学界大事”栏目中增设专题“世界经济学相关奖项2020年获奖成果”,从学科视角概述和分析这些获奖成果的部分特点。此外,从本卷开始,附录一“统计数据”被简化,即减少所呈现的经济体数量和时点个数,但各指标最详尽的数据(数据可得的所有经济体数量和时点)全部发布在《世界经济年鉴》的官网上,便于读者下载和后期使用。 上述调整乃顺应大变局之需。我们依然行进在“学科年鉴”大道上,而且继续努力,更好地践行“世界经济学评价”宗旨,以充分满足世界经济学主流读者的需求。囿于有限的能力和时间,本年鉴的结构、内容、版式和文风等方面可能存在不足之处,敬请读者批评指正。 This Almanac originated in 1979.This is its Vol.37 since its birth and the 8th one with discipline style since 2014. This Almanac aims to present comprehensively research results of this discipline,promote integration within this discipline as well as between it and other disciplines,provide opportunities to speed up the development of relevant institutes and scholars,meet the needs of mainstream readers such as the frontier scholars and policymakers in this field,particularly behave as the think tank serving for CPCC and China,as China's president Xi Jinping congratulated on the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS)40th Anniversary on May 17,2017. As one part of China's social sciences,World Economics must be guided by the Marxism and be of inheritance,nationality,originality,contemporaneity,systematicness and professionalism.This is necessary to solve the problems that the level of discipline system,academic system and discourse system is not high,academic evaluation is not enough scientific and so on(See Xi Jinping's Speech at A Symposium on China's Philosophy and Social Sciences,May 17,2016). This volume maintains the regular framework of this Almanac's recent volumes.In addition,one special subject Literature on World Economics Awarded by Major Economic Prizes is added to the column Big Academic Events in the first section World Economics.It summarizes and analyzes the characters of these literature from a disciplinary perspective.As the beginning from this volume,the Statistical Data in Appendix I is simplified but its detailed version is published on the official website of this yearbook for readers to conveniently download and diverse use. The above adjustments are made to adapt to the great changes nowadays.We are still on the way to pursue one discipline-style almanac focusing on academic review and survey.More efforts are still necessary to fully meet the needs of its mainstream readers.Your comments and suggestions are welcome on its structure,content,format and style.
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