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世界经济年鉴 2015年 PDF版

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《世界经济年鉴》创刊于1979年,迄今为止已出版30卷。本卷是2014年改按学科体例以来的第2卷。 编撰世界经济学科年鉴的主旨,在于塑造世界经济学学科品牌:全面展示该学科的研究成果,增进学科内外的交融,促进世界经济机构和学人的发展,充分满足本学科一线学者和政策决策者等主流读者的需求,努力建设马克思主义的坚强阵地、哲学社会科学的最高殿堂、党和国家的思想库与智囊团。 在哲学社会科学工作座谈会上(2016年5月17日),习近平指出,中国哲学社会科学必须坚持马克思主义的指导地位,必须体现继承性、民族性、原创性、时代性、系统性、专业性,解决“学科体系、学术体系、话语体系建设水平总体不高”、“学术评价体系不够科学”等问题。基于该讲话的精神,2015卷主要在如下三方面有所创新。 其一,新设“世界经济学”和“马克思主义国际政治经济学”板块,同“全球宏观经济学”、“国际贸易学”、“国际金融学”、“国际投资学”、“世界经济统计学”、“国际发展经济学”和“全球经济治理”一起,构成本卷的九大学科篇。其中,“马克思主义国际政治经济学”替代了2014卷的“世界能源”。 其二,新设栏目“世界经济学特稿”、“最佳论文”、“世界经济学人”、“主要图书”和“世界经济学机构”。 “世界经济学特稿”栏目,主题为世界经济当年形势回顾和来年形势展望。 “最佳论文”栏目,旨在评选和简要展现2014年世界经济学的最佳论文,包括最佳中文论文和最佳英文论文,“最佳论文”又分为“十佳(TOP10)论文”和其他重要论文。候选论文选自全球顶尖综合性经济学期刊和顶尖专业性经济学期刊,包括26份权威中文期刊和16份权威英文期刊。获选TOP10的论文,其“内容简介”和“作者简介”均在本年鉴内突出展现。“其他重要论文”仅展示清单。最佳论文由中国世界经济学会约320名理事(含159名常务理事)评选。关于评选过程的具体细节,参见本卷相关内容的详细说明。 “主要图书”栏目,旨在展示世界经济学本年度出版的重要中文和英文图书。 “世界经济学人”栏目,旨在展示发表世界经济学中文论文和英文论文最活跃的学者名单,包括发表英文论文最活跃的大陆学者名单。 “世界经济学机构”栏目,包括“全球的世界经济研究智库”(含“全球最佳国际经济政策智库”50家、“全球最佳国际发展智库”80家、“全球最佳外交政策和国际事务智库”85家、“全球最佳国内经济政策智库”80家)、“中国的世界经济研究智库”(含“教育部所属高校的世界经济研究机构”257家、“国务院及其附属机构(不含社科院)的世界经济研究机构”115家、“社科院系统的世界经济研究机构”73家)。 其三,本卷恢复了传统栏目“统计数据”。同本年鉴以往各卷同一栏目相比,本卷本栏目的创新主要有二。第一,新设“国际经济发展统计”,体现中国共产党和中国政府提出的“五大发展理念”,同传统的“全球宏观经济统计”、“国际贸易统计”和“国际金融统计”一起,构成该栏目的主要内容。此外,“国际贸易统计”中新增“贸易增加值”指标,以反映国际组织关于全球价值链核算的最新成果。第二,在经济体分类中,首次全面单列“一带一路”沿线66个经济体,同“全球重要经济体”(以G20为主)并列。这是全球统计出版物中首次如此处理。 我们已行走在编纂“学科年鉴”的大路上,尽管已取得一些进展,但仍待继续努力,以充分满足世界经济学主流读者的需求。囿于有限的能力和时间,本年鉴的结构、内容、版式和文风等方面可能存在不足之处,敬请读者批评指正。 The Yearbook of World Economy started publication in 1979,and has published 30 volumes by now.This is the second volume since it began its discipline style in 2014. The reform of this yearbook aims to be a leading brand for world economics.It promises to present comprehensively research results of this discipline,promotes integration within this discipline as well as between it and other disciplines,provides opportunities to speed up the development of institutes and growth of scholars,meet the needs of mainstream readers such as the frontier scholars and policymakers in this discipline,and strive to construct solid base for Marxism,build up the highest palace for philosophy and social sciences,and cultivate think-tank's ability for CPCC and the state. As China's president Xi Jinping pointed out at a symposium on philosophy and social sciences held on May 17,2016,China's philosophy and social sciences must adhere to the guiding position of the Marxism,must reflect inheritance,nationality,originality,contemporaneity,systematicness and professionalism,to solve the problems that the discipline system,academic system and discourse system is not high,the academic evaluation system is not scientific and so on.Based on this spirit,this volume tries to innovate at the following three aspects. First,World Economics and Marxism International Political Economics are set up,composing 9 parts of this yearbook with Global Macroeconomics,Statistics on World Economy,International Development Economics and Disciplines of International Trade,International Finance,International Investment and Global Economic Governance. Second,Special Article,Best Papers & Main Books on and Economists in and Institutes for World Economics are newly created columns.The column Special Article on World Economy reviews world economic situation in the current year and forecasts world economic trend in the coming year.The column Economist in World Economics presents the most active scholars by the publication of Chinese and English papers on world economics,and the most active Chinese scholars publishing English papers on world economics.The column Main Books on World Economics displays important Chinese and English books in this discipline published in this year. The column Best Papers on World Economics highlights the best paper in this discipline,including TOP10 Chinese papers,TOP10 English papers and other leading papers.These papers are selected from the world's leading comprehensive journals and professional journals on economics,including authoritative 26 Chinese journals and 16 English journals.The brief introduction of these TOP10 papers and the biographies of their authors are presented,while other leading papers are only listed here.About 320 members(including 159 executive director) of China Society of World Economics(CSWE) are invited to select these best papers,and the details of this selection can be found in corresponding content of this volume. The column Institutes for World Economics lists the top World Economics think tanks in the world and those in China,respectively.The top World Economics think tanks inthe world include Top 50 International Economic Policy Think Tanks,Top 80 International Development Think Tanks,Top 85 Foreign Policy and International Affairs Think Tanks and Top 80 Domestic Economic Policy Think Tanks.China's institute for world economics include 257 institutes founded by the universities administrated by the Ministry of Education,115 institutes directed by the State Council and its subsidiary bodies(excluding academies of social sciences),as well as 73 institutes owned by national and local academies of social sciences. Third,the traditional column Statistic Data is restored.Compared with its contents of previous volumes,this volume has two changes.Data on international economic development is added to reflects Five Ideas on Development proposed by CPCC.Data on trade in value added is appended to the International Trade Statistics.Importantly,66 economies along The Belt and Road are particularly demonstrated,which is the first time in official statistic publications around the world. On the way of compiling one discipline-style yearbook for world economics,we have made some progresses.However,more efforts are still necessary to be made to fully meet the needs of its mainstream readers.Your comments and suggestions are welcome on its structure,content,format and style. Editorial Committee of The Yearbook of World Economy August 2016
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