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中国外交(英文版) 2016年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:117M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2018-12-07 数据来源:中华人民共和国外交部政策规划司 关注人气:
China's Foreign Affairs,edited by the Department of Policy Planningof the Foreign Ministry and contributed by various departments,is publishedannually by the World Affairs Press and distributed internationally.ChinaJs Foreign Affairs strives to accurately and comprehensivelypresent China’s foreign policies and its latest perspectives on the evolvinginternational situation,and to give a systematic and full elaboration onChina’s external relations in the past year.The 2016 edition of China's Foreign Affairs focuses mainly on thecountry’s diplomatic activities in 2015.An unabridged English version ispublished simultaneously with the Chinese version.The 2016 edition of China's Foreign Affairs has nine chapters.Chapters 1 and 2 outline the 2015 international situation as Chinasees it and present a summary of China’s diplomatic work in the year.Chapter 3 describes the state of relations between China andcountries having diplomatic ties with it in 2015.The countries are listedin alphabetical order.Chapter 4 briefs on China’s interactions with international andregional organizations in 2015 and its positions and views on the relevantissues.Chapter 5 presents China’s diplomatic work in the area of armscontrol,disarmament and non-proliferation in 2015.Chapter 6 presents China's diplomatic work in the area of internationaltreaties and law in 2015.Chapter 7 presents China's diplomatic work in the area of boundaryand ocean affairs in 2015.Chapter 8 presents China’s diplomatic work in the area of the pressand information in 2015.Chapter 9 presents China’s diplomatic work in consular affairs in2015.The last part of the book includes Chronicle of China’s Major Diplomatic Activities in 2015 and other appendixes of important diplomaticdocuments in 2015.
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