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重庆交通年鉴 2009年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:65M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2017-08-13 数据来源:重庆市交通委员会 关注人气:
一、《重庆交通年鉴》是反映重庆交通各方面发展情况的大型专业年鉴,是逐年编纂连续出版的资料性工具书。2009年卷是继2007年创刊以来的第3部。全书80余万字、300多幅图片,反映2008年重庆交通的基本面貌、发展状况和取得的新成就、新经验以及出现的新问题。 二、本年鉴基本内容分为综合情况、动态信息和辅助资料三部分。综合情况分设《特载》、《概况》、《体制改革》3个类目,动态信息分设《交通基础设施建设》、《交通运输》、《交通管理》、《科技·教育·文化》、《党群工作》、《区县交通》、《先进集体·先进人物》7个类目,辅助资料分设《大事记》、《政策法规选编》、《统计资料》、《附录》4个类目。为了突出年度特点,本年鉴在彩页部分特设《四川汶川5·12特大地震重庆交通抗震救灾英雄事迹》和《纪念改革开放30年》专栏。全书结构一般分三个层次:类目、分目、条目。基于内容特点,《特载》、《大事记》、《政策法规选编》和《先进集体·先进人物》只设两个层次。全书注重体现专业特点、时代特征和年度特色,力求在充分反映成绩和经验的同时,如实反映存在的问题和不足。 三、本年鉴力求扩大信息量,延展信息覆盖面,特在《概况》、《交通基础设施建设》、《交通管理》、《附录》等类目,收录了有参考、研究价值的资料,以便于读者了解重庆基本情况、古近代交通、现代综合运输,对比研究重庆与其他省、自治区、直辖市交通发展情况,借鉴世界发达国家交通建设和管理的先进经验。 四、本年鉴注重图片资料搜集,分彩页和内文配图两种形式编录,力求全书图文并重。彩页以专题化、系列化的形式,重点反映重庆交通大事、要事和主要建设成就;内文配图以文系图,形象直观地补充反映相关内容。 五、本年鉴稿件和资料由重庆市交通委员会机关各处(室)、委属各单位、各区县(自治县)交通局(委)提供,并经各单位(部门)领导审核和保密审查。主要统计数据以市交委业务主管部门提供的统计资料为准,未署名的条目、图、表均由《重庆交通年鉴》编辑部或相关单位提供。 六、本年鉴注重提高实用性,刊载有重庆市地图、重庆市综合交通规划图、重庆市公路交通图、重庆市航道图。 七、为免累赘,2009年卷中凡直书月、日而未写年份,即为2008年;数据增加或减少多少未说明与某一年份比较,即为《年鉴》记载当年(2008年)与上年(2007年)比较。 八、本年鉴具有双重检索功能,书前列有中英文目录,书后配有索引。 九、为行文简洁,对常用机构采用通用和规范简称,并在目录前特设《有关机构(单位)全称简称对照表》,增加“常用缩略语注释”。 I.It is not only a large—scaled professional yearbook that reflects the development in various aspects of the transport sector in Chongqing,but also a reference book compiled annually and published continuously.Volume 2008 is the second one since the publish of Volume 2007.It is more than 800 thousand words with around 300 pictures that reflect the basic situation,development status,new achievements,new experiences and new problems in the transport sector of Chongqing in 2007. II.The contents of this Yearbook cover three aspects that named general information,trends information and additional information.In the general information part,there are three columns set as Exclusive 、General and Institutional Reform.In the trends information part,there are seven columns set as Infrastructure Construction in Transport Sector、Transportation、Transport Management、Science&Technology?Education?Culture、CCP Work、Transport in districts and counties and Advanced Collectivities?Advanced Persons.In the additional information part,there are four columns set as Memorabilia、Policy and Regulation Extracts、Statistics Data and Appendix.In order to stress the feature of year,this Yearbook sets up special coulumn set as Large Earthquake in Wenchuan,Sichuan Povince on May 12 and the Heroic Deeds of Chongqing Transport's Earthquake Relief Work & Commemoration 30 Years of Reform and Opening up in color pages.The structure of the Yearbook is three-leveled as column 、Sub-column and Entry.Because of its features of the content,Exclusive、Memorabilia、Policy and Regulation Extract and Advanced Collectivities?Advanced Persons have only two levels.This Yearbook focuses on the professional features,times and yearly characteristics and fully reflects the achievements and experiences as well as the problems and shortages. III.This Yearbook tends to expand the scope and the coverage of information.Particularly,in the columns of General、Infrastructure Construction in Transport Sector,Transport Management and Appendix,the information is worthy of being reference and research.As a result,it is convenient for readers to understand the basic situation,ancient and latter-day transport and modern integrated transport in Chongqing,compare and study transport development with that in other municipalities and autonomous regions,and also learn advanced experiences on transport construction and management from developed countries. IV.This Yearbook emphasizes off picture collection.The whole book is illustrated with color pages and pictures.In color pages.Major events、important events and major construction achievements in transport sector of Chongqing are reflected by particular topics in series.Articles are inserted with captioned pictures to show related content more directly and visually. V.The articles and information in this Yearbook are provided by various divisions of Chongqing Transport Committee and other units that directly under its administration,as well as Transport Bureaus(Transport Committee) in every districts and counties(autonomous counties).The Yearbook has been reviewed by the leaders of each unit(division) and passed confidential audit.The major statistics data is based on the statistics provided by the responsible Departments of Chongqing Transport Committee.The unnamed entries、pictures and forms are all provided by Chongqing Transport Yearbook and related units. VI.This Yearbook emphasizes on practical application and has been loaded with the Chongqing Map、Chongqing Comprehensive Transport Planning Maps、Chongqing Road Map、Chongqing Navigation Channel Map. VII.To avoid nuisance,the year in Volume 2008 is 2007 if there has only date. VIII.This Yearbook has the double-research function.The Chinese and English contents are listed in the front page.Index is listed at the end. IX.In order to he compact,we take use of general and standrad abbreviation,And Comparative Table of Major Organizations(Units) Full Title and Their Abbreviation are Set in front of contents,the explanatory notes of Abbreviation in common use are newly increased.
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