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中国城乡建设统计年鉴 2013年 PDF版

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一、为贯彻落实科学发展观和城乡统筹精神,全面反映我国城乡市政公用设施建设与发展状况,为方便国内外各界了解中国城乡建设全貌,我们编辑了《中国城乡建设统计年鉴》和《中国城市建设统计年鉴》中英文对照本,每年公开出版一次,供社会广大读者作为资料性书籍使用。二、《中国城乡建设统计年鉴2013》根据各省、自治区和直辖市建设行政主管部门上报的2013年城乡建设统计数据编辑。全书共分城市、县城和村镇三个部分。三、本年鉴数据不包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区以及台湾省。四、2013年底全国境内31个省、自治区、直辖市,共有658个设市城市,1613个县(含自治县、旗、自治旗、林区、特区。下同),20117个建制镇,12812个乡(含民族乡、苏木、民族苏木。下同),58.9万个行政村。五、本年鉴由城市(城区)、县城、村镇三部分组成:(一)城市(城区)部分,统计了658个城市。海南省三沙市属于新设立城市,数据不完整。(二)县城部分,统计了1582个县、15个特殊区域以及148个新疆生产建设兵团师团部驻地。其他17个县,如北京市延庆县、密云县和上海市崇明县因与城市分不开,数据含在城市报表中;河北省邯郸县、邢台县、宣化县、沧县,山西省泽州县,辽宁省抚顺县、盘山县、铁岭县、朝阳县,河南省许昌县、安阳县,新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐县、和田县等13个县,因与所在城市市县同城,数据含在所在城市报表中;福建省金门县暂无数据资料。15个特殊区域包括河北省曹妃甸区,黑龙江省加格达奇区,江西省庐山风景区,湖南省南岳区、大通湖区、洪江区,海南省洋浦开发区,云南省昆明阳宗海风景名胜区、昆明倘甸产业园区和昆明轿子山旅游开发区,陕西省杨凌区,宁夏回族自治区红寺堡开发区,青海省海北州府西海镇、茫崖行委、大柴旦行委、冷湖行委。(三)村镇部分,统计了17449个建制镇、12281个乡、673个镇乡级特殊区域和265万个自然村(其中53.7万个村民委员会所在地)。六、本年鉴的统计范围设市的城市的城区:市本级(1)街道办事处所辖地域;(2)城市公共设施、居住设施和市政公用设施等连接到的其他镇(乡)地域;(3)常住人口在3000人以上独立的工矿区、开发区、科研单位、大专院校等特殊区域。县城:(1)县政府驻地的镇、乡或街道办事处地域(城关镇);(2)县城公共设施、居住设施和市政公用设施等连接到的其他镇(乡)地域;(3)常住人口在3000人以上独立的工矿区、开发区、科研单位、大专院校等特殊区域。村镇:政府驻地的公共设施和居住设施没有和城区(县城)连接的建制镇、乡和镇乡级特殊区域。七、本年鉴中除人均住宅建筑面积、人均日生活用水外,所有人均指标、普及率指标均以户籍人口与暂住人口合计为分母计算。八、本年鉴中“—”表示本数据不足本表最小单位数。九、本年鉴中部分数据合计数或相对数由于单位取舍不同而产生的计算误差,均没有进行机械调整。十、为促进中国建设行业统计信息工作的发展,欢迎广大读者提出改进意见。EDITOR’5 NOTES 1 .Under the guideline of the Scientifie Outlook on DeveloPment and in line with the efforts to Promote theeoordinated urban and rural development,China乙乍石an一ural Cons如etion Statistical Yearbook and China乙乍乙anConstruetion Statistieal Yearbook are Published annually in both Chinese and English languages to ProvidecomPrehensive information on uthan and rural serviee facilities develoPment in China.Being the source of facts,the yearbooks helP to facilitate the understanding of PeoPle from all walks of life at home and abroad on China’surban and rural develoPment. 2 .201了Ch认a乙乍乙an一ural COns如ction Statistical Yearbook 15 comPlied based on statistieal data on urbaneonstrUetion in year 2013 that were rePorted by constrUetion authorities of Provinees,autonomous regions andmunlciPalities directly under the eentral govenunent.The yearbook 15 eo哪osed of statisties forthree Pa]比s,namelystatisties for eities,eounty seats,and villages and small towns. 3 .This Yearbook does not inehide data of Hong Kong SPeeial Administrative Region,Macao SPeeialAdministratlve Region and Taiwan Provinee. 4 .There were a total of 658 eities,1613counties(ineluding autonomous eounties,banners,autonomousbanners,forest districts,and sPeeial distriets),20117 towns,12812 townshiPs(inehiding而nority townshiPs,sumus and minority Sumus),and 589,000 adn五nistrative vill铭es in all the 31 provinees,autonomous regions andmunieiPalities aeross China by the end of2013. 5 .The yearbook 15 eomPosed ofthe followingthreeParts:Cities,Countyseats,andVillagesandTowns. (l)The statistics in the Part of Cities 15 based on data eolleeted from 657 eities.Data of Sansha City 15ineo哪lete,sinee it has been reeently established. (2)In the Part ofC0untyseats,dataisfrom1582eounties,15sPecialzonesanddistrietsand148stationsofXinjiang produetion and ConstrUetion Corps· As for data of the rest 1 7 eouniies,arrangements have been made as follows:data fromy么nqing and MiyUnCounty in Beijing and Chong而ng County in Shanghaiare ineluded in the statistics of Beijing and ShanghairesPeetivel又as these eounties eannot be seParated from the eities they belong to:data from Handan,Xingtai,Xuanhua,and Cangxian CoUnty in Hebei Provinee,Zezhou County in Shanxi province,Fushun,Panshan,Tieli雌,and Chaoyang County in Liaoning Provinee,Xuehang and Anyang County in Henan Provinee,and Urumqi andHetian County in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region are Included in the statistics of the resPeetiVe eitiesadministering the above 1 3 eounties due to the identity of the loeation between the eounty seats and the eities:dataon Jlnrnen County in Fujian Provinee has not been available at the moment. 15 sPeeial zones and distriets inehide Caofeidian in Hebei Provinee,Jiagedaqi in Heilon自iang Province,Mount Lushan Seenie SPot in Jiangxi Provinee,Nany’Ue Distriet,Datong Lake Distriet and Hon自lang DistrietinHunan provinee,、恤ngPu Development Zone in Hainan Provinee,Kun而ng、恤ngzong Lake Scenie SPot,K血nming几ngdian Industrial Park and Kunnnng Mount Jiaozi Tourism DeveloPment Zone in YUnnan Provinee,y恤nglingDistriet in Shaanxi Provinee,Hongsibao DeveloPment Zone in Ningxia Autonomous Region,and Xihai Town andMangya,Daehaidan and Lenghu Adjministl妞tive Corn力nission in Haibei Prefeetore ofQinghai Provinee. (3)In the Part ofVillagesandTowns,statistiesisbasedondatafroml7449towns,12281townships,673sPeci威盯,”厂琳奴leVel of town and townshiP,叨d 2.65加llion natural villages ineluding 537 thousand villages胡七ere villagers’eommittees are sitUated. 6 .Coverage ofthe statisties Urban Are朋:(1)areas under the jurisdietion of neighbothoodad面nistration;(2)other towns(t ownshiPs)eonnectedto urban Publie facilities,residential faeilities and幻nunieiPal utilities:(3)sPeeial areas like indePendeniindustrial and mining districts,develoPmeni zones,researeh institutes,and universities and eolleges with Pennanentresidents of3000 and above. County Seat Areas:(l)towns and townshiPs where eounty govemments are situated and areas under thej丽sdiction of neighborhood adiministration;(2)other towns(t ownshiPs)eonneeted to eoUnty seat Publie faeilities,resideniial faeilities and力。unieiPal utilities:(3)sPeeial areasl止e indePendent industriai and nuning districts,develoPment zones,research institUtes,and universities and eolleges with Pennanellt residents of3000 and above. Villages ands班all Ibwns Areas:towns,townshiPs and sPeeial distriet at townshiP level of whieh Publiefaeilities and residential faeilities are not eonneeted to those ofeities(countyseats). 7 .All the Per eaPita and eoverage rate data in this Yearbook,exeePt the Per caPita residential floor area and Pereapita daily eonsumPtion ofdomestie water, areealeulatedusingthesumofresidentandnon一residentPopulationasa denominator. 8 .In this yearbook“=,indieates that the figure 15 not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit inthe table. 9 .The ealeulation errors of the total or relative value of some data in this Yearbook arising from the use ofdifferent measurem亡nt units have not been meehanieally aligued. 10.Any eornrnents to imProve the quality of the yearbook are weleomed to Pro们note the adVaneement instatisties in China,5 eons加etion industry.
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