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河北统计年鉴 2020年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:91M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2021-06-06 数据来源:河北省统计局;国家统计局河北调查总队 关注人气:
一、《河北统计年鉴》是一部全面、系统反映河北省国民经济和社会发展情况的资料性年刊,是认识和研究河北省情、制定政策、指导国民经济发展的重要资料和历史性工具书,2020年为开卷之年。 二、《河北统计年鉴-2020》(以下简称《年鉴》)包括特载、统计数据、附录三大部分。 特载包括河北省2019年国民经济和社会发展统计公报。 统计数据主要收录河北省及各市、县2019年及历史重要年份经济和社会各方面的大量统计数据,共24篇:第一篇,综合;第二篇,人口;第三篇,国民经济核算;第四篇,就业和工资;第五篇,价格;第六篇,人民生活;第七篇,财政、金融、保险;第八篇,能源和环境;第九篇,固定资产投资;第十篇,对外经济贸易;第十一篇,农业;第十二篇,工业;第十三篇,建筑业;第十四篇,批发和零售业;第十五篇,运输和邮电;第十六篇,住宿、餐饮业和旅游;第十七篇,房地产;第十八篇,科学技术;第十九篇,教育;第二十篇,卫生和社会服务;第二十一篇,文化和体育;第二十二篇,公共管理和社会保障;第二十三篇,城市概况;第二十四篇,县(市、区)主要指标。为方便读者使用,各篇章前设有《简要说明》,对本篇章的主要内容、资料来源、统计范围、统计方法以及历史变动情况予以简要概述。篇末附有《主要统计指标解释》。 附录包括京津冀主要指标、各省(区、市)主要指标、旅游景区信息、统计大事记。 三、《年鉴》涉及的各项指标,除《统计公报》使用的数字为快报数或初步统计数据外,大部分来自年度统计报表,一部分来自抽样调查等。全国分省资料来自《中国统计年鉴-2020》。 四、《年鉴》中所使用的度量衡单位均采用国际统一标准计量单位。 五、《年鉴》中国民经济行业分类按国家标准《国民经济行业分类》(GB/T4754-2017)执行。 六、《年鉴》总量指标计算所采用的价格均为当年价格。 七、《年鉴》部分数据合计数或相对数由于单位取舍不同产生的计算误差未作机械调整。 八、《年鉴》统计数据表中“空格”表示该项统计指标数据不详或无该项数据;“#”表示其中的主要项;“①”表示本表下有注解。 《河北统计年鉴》将以务实的态度,努力向社会提供具有权威性、规范性、实用性、连续性的数据产品,欢迎国内外广大读者对《年鉴》编辑出版工作提出宝贵意见,使《年鉴》形式和内容更趋完善。 Ⅰ.Hebei Statistical Yearbook is an informative annual publication that comprehensively and systematically reflects the national economic and social development of Hebei Province.It is an important material and historical reference book for understanding and studying the situation of Hebei Province,formulating policies and guiding the national economic development.The year 2020 will be the year of its opening. Ⅱ.Hebei Statistical Yearbook-2020(hereinafter referred to as the Yearbook) includes feature articles,statistical data and appendix. Feature articles include Statistical Communique of National Economic and Social Development of Hebei Province in 2019. The statistical data mainly include a large number of economic and social statistical data of Hebei Province,cities and counties in 2019 and important years in history,a total of 24 articles.Chapter 1.General Survey;Chapter 2.Population;Chapter 3.National Economic Accounts;Chapter 4.Employment and Wages;Chapter 5.Price;Chapter 6.People's Livelihoods;Chapter 7.Government Finance,Banking and Insurance;Chapter 8.Energy and Environment;Chapter 9.Investment in Fixed Assets;Chapter 10.Foreign Economic Relations and Trade;Chapter 11.Agriculture;Chapter 12.Industry;Chapter 13.Construction;Chapter 14.Wholesale and Retail;Chapter 15.Transport,Post and Telecommunications;Chapter 16.Hotels,Catering Services and Tourism;Chapter 17.Real Estate;Chapter 18.Science and Technology;Chapter 19.Education;Chapter 20.Health and Social Services;Chapter 21.Culture and Sports;Chapter 22.Public Management and Social Security;Chapter 23.City Profiles;Chapter 24.Main Indicators of Counties(Cities and Districts at County Level).For the convenience of readers,a brief description is provided before each chapter,which gives an overview of the main contents,data sources,statistical scope,statistical methods and historical changes of this chapter.At the end of the article,there is an explanation of the main statistical indicators. The appendix includes the major indicators of Jing-Jin-Ji region,and the main indicators of all provinces(autonomous regions,cities),and tourist attractions information,and chronicle of events of statistical. Ⅲ.The indicators involved in the Yearbook are mostly from annual statistical statements and partly from sample surveys,except that the figures used in the Statistical Bulletin are express numbers or preliminary statistical data.The national provincial data are from China Statistical Yearbook-2020. Ⅳ.The units of weights and measures used in the Yearbook adopt international uniform standard units of measurement. Ⅴ.The classification of national economic industries in the Yearbook is implemented according to the National standard"Classification of National Economic Industries"(GB/T 4754-2017). Ⅵ.The prices used in the total index calculation of the Yearbook are the current year prices. Ⅶ.There is no mechanical adjustment for the calculation error caused by different units in the total count or relative number of some data in the Yearbook. Ⅷ."Blank space" in the statistical data table of the Yearbook means that the data of this statistical indicator is unknown or not available;"#" represents the main item;"①" indicates notes under this table. Hebei Statistical Yearbook will strive to provide authoritative,normative,practical and continuous data products to the society with a pragmatic attitude.Readers at home and abroad are welcome to put forward valuable suggestions on the editing and publishing work of the Yearbook,so as to make the form and content of the Yearbook more perfect.
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