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中国农产品价格调查年鉴 2019年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:138M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2019-12-15 数据来源:国家统计局农村社会经济调查司 关注人气:
一、编辑目的与作用 随着我国市场经济体制的建立与不断完善,农村经济运行的市场化步伐加快,市场机制在农产品流通与贸易中的基础作用日益显现,宏观决策和社会公众对农产品价格信息的需求与日俱增。为了适应这一新的形势,国家统计局农村社会经济调查司发挥系统自身优势,逐步建立起完整的农产品价格调查体系,对农产品生产和流通的全过程进行密切跟踪调查,全方位把握农产品价格走势,深入透视农产品生产、贸易和消费环节的分配关系和利益格局。汇编这些价格数据的目的就是为了充分发挥农产品价格信息在分析研究我国农产品供给与需求、农产品市场竞争与产业结构调整、农民收入与居民消费等方面的独特作用,更好地服务于各级党政领导的“三农”决策,服务于关注农产品价格问题的研究机构和各界社会公众。 二、主要内容与资料调查方法 本书的内容主要包括统计图、农产品生产者价格指数和农产品集贸市场价格三部分。农产品生产者价格,是农产品生产者直接出售其产品时实际获得的单位产品价格,它是农产品集贸市场价格、批发价格和消费价格形成的基础和前提。农产品生产者价格调查采用随机抽样的方法抽选调查网点,实行抽样调查。全国共抽选2万个农业生产经营单位,其中普通农户占三分之一,农业生产单位和生产大户占三分之二。调查内容涉及农、林、牧、渔四个大类,180种代表品。农产品集贸市场价格调查是对全国200个农产品主产县(市)31种农产品进行的集贸市场价格调查,旨在反映我国农产品主产区大宗农产品的交易价格和价格走势。 三、特别说明 本书在重点收录2018年农产品价格调查资料的同时,编发了2000年以来主要年份全国主要农产品的价格数据(全国汇总数据不含西藏)。生产者价格指数以上年或上年同期价格为100。农产品集贸市场价格单位为“元/公斤”,价格数据保留两位小数。 为了及时反映全国农产品价格走势,我们将定期出版《中国农产品价格调查年鉴》。限于我们的经验和水平,书中疏漏在所难免,不妥之处敬请读者批评指正。 Ⅰ.Background and Purpose Along with the establishment and improvement of the system of market economy in China,the market-oriented pace of the rural economy has been accelerated.The market plays more and more important role in production and trade of agricultural products.Therefore,the government and publics have increasingly more demand for the information on the prices of agricultural products.In order to fit in with this situation,Department of Rural Surveys National Bureau of Statistics has been carrying out surveys on the prices of agricultural products to monitor the movement of the related prices and to maintain the agricultural accounting system,through its survey teams locating all over the country since 2003.The purpose of this book is to provide the price information of agricultural products to government agencies at various level,the research institutions,agricultural holdings as well as other publics for the decision-making and analyzing the supply and demand relations of the agricultural products,the market competition of agricultural products and the agricultural restructure,the farmers,income and consumption,etc. Ⅱ.Contents and Methodology The contents of this book include the chart of price movement of agricultural products,the producer prices index of agricultural products,the prices of the agricultural products at the rural market fairs.The producer price of the agricultural product is the price of the unit product,at which the producer of the agricultural product,i.e.the agricultural household or the farm,directly sells the product.The producer prices of agricultural products are the bases of the prices of the agricultural products at the rural market fairs as well as the wholesale prices and consumer prices.National Producer Prices Survey of agricultural products is a sample survey with its sample units selected with random sampling method.A total of 20,000 samples engaged in agricultural production have been selected in the whole country,in which the agricultural households account for one thirds and the farms account for two third.The survey covers 180 representative agricultural products in four categories off arming,forestry,livestock and fishery.Survey of Agricultural Products Prices at Rural Market Fairs is a survey on the prices of 31 agricultural products in 200 major producing counties and cities conducted for reflecting the trading prices of the staple agricultural products in the major producing areas and the change of these prices. Ⅲ.Additional Notes While mainly presenting the survey data on the prices of agricultural products in 2018,this book also releases the series data on the prices of main agricultural products in China since 2000(The country's aggregated date excludes Tibet).The producer price indices take the prices in the preceding year or the prices at the same period of preceding year as 100.The unit of the prices of agricultural products at rural market fairs is unified to be Yuan/kg and two decimals are kept for the price data.In order to better reflect the change of the prices of agricultural products in China,we will periodically publish the China Yearbook of Agricultural Price Survey.Limit to our experiences and knowledge,some slips are inevitable in the book.We warmly welcome the comments or suggestion from our readers.
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