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中国纺织工业发展报告 2018-2019年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:112M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2019-11-16 数据来源:中国纺织工业联合会 关注人气:
《中国纺织工业发展报告》是我国唯一一部集中反映纺织工业及其子行业年度发展现状与趋势预判的研究报告。该书为2018/2019年版主要包括:中国纺织工业现状与趋势综合分析;中国纺织12个子行业包括化学纤维、棉纺织、毛纺织、丝绸、麻纺织、长丝织造、印染、针织,服装、家用纺织品、产业用纺织品、纺织机械年度分析与展望;改革开放40年;强国建设;行业关注;原料供求及国内外统计资料等栏目和内容。《中国纺织工业发展报告》主要面向国内外纺织企业金融与投资、贸易与咨询、科研与教育等机构,以及各级政府综合管理部门和行业社团组织。为全面客观了解中国纺织工业发展状况与趋势提供权威性指南,为相关企业、部门机构科学决策和国家宏观经济管理提供可靠依据,极具研究和收藏价值。 China Textile Industry Development Report,the guide book for China textile industry,is the only report that reflects the annual development trend of China textile industry and individual sectors within the industry.The main contents of the 2018/2019 edition include the followings: The performance analysis of China textile industry in 2018 and the development trend prospection in 2019 A review and prospection of the 12 sectors of China textile industry including:chemical fiber,cotton textile,wool textile,silk.bast and linen fiber textile,filament weaving,printing and dyeing,knitting,apparel,home textile,industrial textile and textile machinery 40th Anniversary of China's Reform and Opening-up Textile Powers Construction Industry Focus Raw Material Demand and Supply Statistics The target readers of the report are mainly overseas and domestic textile enterprises,departments of finance.investment,textile trade,scientific research and education,within the government,textile industrial associations and organizations.The report provides an authoritative guide for all textile organizations related and it is highly collectable.
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