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苏州统计年鉴 2019年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:89M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2019-12-15 数据来源:苏州市统计局;国家统计局苏州调查队 关注人气:
1.《苏州统计年鉴-2019》以大量统计数据,全面、系统地反映2018年苏州经济、社会各方面的发展情况。 2.本年鉴内容包括:发展成果图,综合,人口、劳动力,农业,工业,建筑业,运输、邮电业,贸易餐饮业,对外经济、国际旅游,服务业,能源消费,固定资产投资,企业调查,财政、金融、保险,物价指数,人民生活,科技,教育、文化,卫生、体育,民政、司法,城市建设、环境保护,城市比较等二十二个部分。 3.本年鉴辑入的统计数据以2018年为主,主要指标还列示了建国以来主要历史年份的统计数据。资料主要来自苏州市统计局、国家统计局苏州调查队的各项定期统计报表和抽样调查资料,部分资料来自苏州各主管部门。 4.根据国家统计制度的变化,部分历史数据作相应的调整,读者在使用历史资料时,凡以往年鉴与本年鉴有出入的,均以本年鉴为准。 5.2012年9月吴江撤市设区,原沧浪区、平江区、金阊区合并设立姑苏区。本年鉴表内全市数据包括姑苏区,吴中区,相城区,虎丘区、高新区,工业园区,吴江区,常熟市,张家港市,昆山市,太仓市,市区中包含吴江区数据(气象、水文、物价指数除外)。 6.本年鉴中的符号说明: “…”表示数据不足本表最小单位数; “空格”表示该项统计数据不详; “-”表示无该项统计数据; “#”表示其中数。 《苏州统计年鉴》公开出版以来,受到社会各界的关注和支持,不少读者对年鉴的内容和编辑工作提出了许多宝贵的意见,对此,我们深表感谢。欢迎读者一如既往地对年鉴的不足之处批评指正,帮助我们进一步提高编辑水平。 Ⅰ.Suzhou Statistical Yearbook 2019 is a publication which provides comprehensive andsystematic data covering the economic and social development in Suzhou Municipality in 2018. Ⅱ.This yearbook is comprised of 22 parts including Achievement Graphs and Charts,GeneralSurvey,Population and Labor Force,Agriculture,Industry,Construction,Transportation,Post andTelecommunication,Wholesale,Retail Sales and Catering Business,Export-Oriented Economy andInternational Tourism,Services,Consumption of Energy,Investment in Fixed Assets,EnterprisesSurvey,Finance,Banking and Insurance,Price Indices,People's Livelihood,Science andTechnology,Education and Culture,Public Health and Sports,Civil Administration,Judiciary andOther Items,Urban Construction and Environmental Protection,Cities Compare. Ⅲ.The statistics in the yearbook are mainly the statistics in 2018,and the main indicators alsolist the statistical data in the key years since the founding of the People's Republic of China.Thedata mainly comes from the periodic statistical reports and sample survey data of Suzhou MunicipalBureau of Statistics and Suzhou Investigation Team of National Bureau of Statistics,and some ofthe information comes from administrative departments of Suzhou municipal government. Ⅳ.According to the changes of the national statistical system,some historical data is adjustedaccordingly,and in the use of historical data,when the data in previous yearbooks is different fromthat in this yearbook,the data in this yearbook is to be used. Ⅴ.In September,2012 Wujiang City was changed into Wujiang District,and the originalChanglang District、Pingjiang Dictrict and Jinchang District were merged to become Gusu District.The whole city's data in the yearbook includes the data of Gusu District,Wuzhong District,Xiangcheng District,Huqiu District、Suzhou New District,Suzhou Industrial Park,WujiangDistrict,Changshu City,Zhangjiagang City,Kunshan City and Taicang city,and the data of thecentral city includes that of Wujiang District(except the data of meteorology,hydrology and price). Ⅵ.Explanations on symbols used in this yearbook: “…”indicates that the data are not large enough to be rounded into the minimal unit, "space" indicates that the data is unknown and indicates the data not available, “-”indicates the data not available, “#”indicates the component items. Here we'd like to express our sincere thanks to the readers who have provided us so manyinvaluable suggestions on content selection and compilation of the yearbook.Our thanks also go tothose friends in all circles of society who have shown their support and care to the publication ofthe yearbook.We welcome any suggestions and comments from readers at large so as to help us tofurther improve our work of compilation.
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