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上海调查年鉴 2018年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:51M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2019-07-19 数据来源:国家统计局上海调查总队 关注人气:
一、《上海调查年鉴—2018》是一本记录上海城乡居民生活质量、物价变动和农业生产等内容的资料工具书。本年鉴收录了2017年上海城乡居民家庭收支,生产、流通、消费与投资领域的价格变化和农业的统计调查数据,以及上述领域改革开放以来历年的主要统计调查数据;同时包括全国各省(自治区、直辖市)和主要城市价格统计比较数据资料。 二、年鉴共分五个部分:第一部分,综合;第二部分,城乡居民家庭收支;第三部分,价格;第四部分,农业;第五部分,全国及主要城市比较资料。为便于读者使用资料,各篇章前设有简要说明,对本篇章的主要内容、资料来源、统计范围和统计方法予以简要概述;篇末附有主要统计指标解释。 三、城乡居民家庭收支、价格和农业调查资料,是由国家统计局上海调查总队依据国家统计局统一制定的抽样调查方案实施抽样调查的结果。 四、年鉴中有关经济发展、城市居民生活质量与环境等数据来源于上海市统计局。 五、年鉴中第五部分“全国及主要城市比较资料数据”来源于国家统计局城市司提供的统计资料。 六、年鉴中的城乡居民家庭收支、价格为抽样调查数据,为满足社会各界和研究部门的需要,我们公开了部分结构数据,使用时可能存在一定的代表性误差。 七、年鉴中涉及到的历史数据,均以最新出版的本年鉴数据为准;年鉴中部分数据合计数或相对数由于单位取舍不同而产生的计算误差,未做调整。 八、年鉴符号使用说明:“空格”表示该项统计数据不详或无该项数据;“#”表示其中主要项;“…”表示数据不足本表最小计量单位数。 Ⅰ. SHANGHAI SURVEY YEARBOOK 2018 is an annual statistical publication,which reflects comprehensively the urban and rural residents' living conditions, pricechanges of production, circulation, consumption and investment, and development ofagriculture industry in Shanghai. It covers data in 2017 and provides key statistics of theyears since China adopted the reform and opening policy. It also lists price indices of thenation, other provinces(autonomous regions and municipalities) and major cities. Ⅱ. The yearbook contains five chapters. 1.General Survey; 2.Income andExpenditure of Urban and Rural Households; 3.Price; 4.Agriculture; 5.ComparativeInformation of the Nation and Major Cities. To facilitate readers, the Brief Introduction atthe beginning of each chapter provides a summary of the main contents, data sources,statistical scope, statistical methods. At the end of each chapter, Explanatory Notes onMain Statistical Indicators are included. Ⅲ. The data of urban and rural households' income and expenditures, prices andagriculture are collected through sample surveys carried out by the Shanghai Survey Officeof the National Bureau of Statistics, in accordance with the uniform sample survey schemestipulated by the National Bureau of Statistics. Ⅳ. Aggregated data about the economic development, city's resources, environment,and urban residents' living quality are provided by Shanghai Municipal Statistics Bureau. Ⅴ. The data of Chapter 5(Comparative Information of the Nation and Major Cities)are provided by the Department of Urban Surveys of the National Bureau of Statistics. Ⅵ. We have also revealed certain classifications of urban and rural households' income and expenditures, which of the data are collected by sample surveys. The possibleerror margin should be taken into consideration when using these statistics. Ⅶ. Please refer to the newly published version of the yearbook for updatedhistorical data. Statistical discrepancies on totals and relative figures due to rounding arenot adjusted in the yearbook. Ⅷ. Notations used in the yearbook: "blank space" indicates that the data areeither unclear or not available;“#”indicates a major breakdown of the total;“…”indicates a figure not big enough to be rounded into the least unit of measurement in thechart.
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