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内蒙古统计年鉴 2018年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:86M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2019-01-12 数据来源:内蒙古自治区统计局 关注人气:
一、《内蒙古统计年鉴》是一部按年度连续出版的大型统计资料书。本《年鉴》通过大量的统计数据,全面反映了2017年内蒙古经济社会和科技发展变化情况,是国内外各界人士了解内蒙古、认识内蒙古的重要统计资料工具书。 二、年鉴全书分为两部分。第一部分为特载,载入了自治区党政部门重要文件和2017年国民经济和社会发展统计公报。第二部分为统计资料,分为24个细目。即:1.行政区划和自然资源;2.综合;3.国民经济核算;4.人口;5.从业人员和职工工资;6.房地产开发投资;7.能源和环境;8.财政;9.物价指数;10.人民生活;11.城市概况;12.农业;13.工业;14.建筑业;15.运输和邮电;16.国内贸易;17.对外经济贸易;18.旅游;19.金融和保险;20.教育、科技和文化;21.体育、卫生、社会福利和其他;22.盟市资料;23.旗县区资料;24.附录。为了便于读者查阅,每个细目编排了主要统计指标解释。 三、本年鉴的统计数据大部分来自政府统计部门和业务部门年度统计报表,一部分来自抽样调查。 四、与《内蒙古统计年鉴-2017》相比较,本年鉴做了如下调整: 1.由于核算、工业部分数据调整,我们对2018年年鉴版面进行了适当改版,待第四次全国经济普查后,统一对历史数据进行修订。 2.按照国家固定资产投资统计制度改革要求,2017年投资数据将在2018年底调整完成,故暂不能使用。同时,投资历史数据将在第四次全国经济普查后进行修订。 3.核算、工业、固定资产投资部分的盟市和旗县篇版面也相应进行了调整。 4.根据第三次全国农业普查结果,对年鉴农业部分中的相关指标数据进行了修订。 5.旗县部分进行了改版,指标有所调整。 五、资料中所使用的数量单位均采用国际统一标准计量单位。 六、本年鉴部分数据合计数或相对数由于单位取舍不同而产生的计算误差均未作机械调整。 七、本年鉴各表式中,有关对全表的注解均在该表上方,对表中部分指标的注解则在该表下方。 八、本年鉴表中的符号使用说明:空格表示该项统计指标数据不足本表最小单位数、不详或无该项数据;“#”表示其中的主要项。 Ⅰ.Inner Mongolia Statistical Yearbook is a regular large scale statistical reference book published yearly.With a vastamount of statistical data for 2016,this yearbook reflects various aspects of Inner Mongolia's economic society,science andtechnology development.It is really an important and efficient statistical reference book for people of various circles in andoutside China to know and understand Inner Mongolia. Ⅱ.The yearbook has two parts:Special articles and Statistics.The first part consists of important documents of theParty and the government and Statistical Bulletin of the National Economic and Social Development in Inner Mongolia for2016.The second part consists of all the 24 chapters as follow:1.Division of Administrative Areas and Natural Resources;2.General Survey;3.National Accounts;4.Population;5.Employment and Wages;6.Investment in Real Estate;7.Energyand Environmental;8.Government Finance;9.Prices Indices;10.People's Living Cenditions;11.General Survey of Cities;12.Agriculture;13.Industry;14.Construction;15.Transport,Postal and Tele-communications Services;16.DomesticTrade;17.Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation;18.Tourism;19.Banking and Insurance;20.Education,Science andCulture;21.Sports,Public Health,Social Welfare and Other;22.Information of Leagues and Cities;23.Information ofBanners and Counties(Districts and Cities);24.Appendix.In order to make it convenient for readers to consult,we editexploratory notes on main statistical indicators of every chapter. Ⅲ.Most of the data in this yearbook sources are from annual statistical reports of government agencies,another partsources from sample survey. Ⅳ.Comparing with the content of Inner Mongolia Statistical Yearbook-2017,we changed the content as follow: 1.The layout is adjusted in the part of National Accounts and Industry.The data would be revised after the IV NationalEconomic Census. 2.The data of the investment in Fixed Assets cannot furnished recently,according to the reform of investment in FixedAssets since 2017.The data would be revised after the IV National Economic Census. 3.The layout adjusted in Nation Accouts、Idustry and Investment in Fixed Assets contain the part of the Statistics ofLeagues and Cities and Statistics of Banners,Counties and Districts. 4.The data of the Agriculture are revised according to the IV National Economic Census. 5.The layout of the part of Statics of Banners,Counties and Districts is adjusted,the data are revised. Ⅴ.The units of measurement used in this yearbook are internationally standard measurement units. Ⅵ.Statistical discrepancies due to rounding are not adjusted in this yearbook. Ⅶ.The notes concerning the whole table are placed at the upper part of table,while the notes concerning individualindicators are placed at the lower part. Ⅷ.Notations used in this yearbook:blank space indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with thesmallest unit in the table,or data are unknown or are not available;“#” indicates a major breakdown of the total.
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