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广州统计年鉴 2019年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:98M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2019-12-14 数据来源:广州市统计局;国家统计局广州调查队 关注人气:
一、《2019广州统计年鉴》是一本全面反映广州经济和社会发展的资料工具书。本书通过大量的统计数据,全面客观地记录了2018年及重要历史年份广州市经济、社会的发展情况。 二、全书内容分为18个篇目,即:1.综合;2.人口;3.从业人员和工资;4.固定资产投资;5.能源和环保;6.财政和金融;7.价格指数;8.人民生活;9.城市建设;10.农业;11.工业;12.建筑业;13.运输和邮电;14.国内贸易;15.对外经济贸易和旅游;16.规模以上服务业;17.科技;18.教育、文化、体育、卫生、社会福利和其他。在附录部分,收集了全国、广东省及香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区主要经济指标。 三、本年鉴资料主要来自广州市的政府各级统计局、国家统计局广州调查队的各种定期统计报表和抽样调查资料,部分资料来自省属、市属各主管部门。 四、2014年广州市行政区划有调整,原黄埔区和原萝岗区合并为新黄埔区,原增城市和原从化市撤市设区。从2015年起,我市行政区划包括荔湾区、越秀区、海珠区、天河区、白云区、黄埔区、番禺区、花都区、南沙区、从化区和增城区等11个区,无县级市。 五、从2014年起广州市实施城乡一体化分市县住户调查制度,住户调查统计指标体系有较大变动。 六、根据《国家统计局关于执行新国民经济行业分类国家标准的通知》(国统字[2017]142号)要求,新《国民经济行业分类》从2017年统计年报和2018年定期统计报表统一开始使用。本资料中凡是涉及到分行业的表式(除个别部门提供的数据仍按旧行业分类,表中有注明),均按照新的行业分类《国民经济行业分类GB/T4754-2017》作调整。 七、从2018年起,新增《规模以上服务业》篇。 八、本年鉴总量指标计算所采用的价格除注明外均为当年价格。 九、读者在使用历年资料时,凡与本年鉴有出入的,均以本年鉴为准。 十、本年鉴中部分数据合计数或相对数由于单位取舍不同而产生的计算误差,均未作机械调整。 十一、本年鉴表中的符号使用说明:“空格”表示该项统计指标数据不详或无该项数据;“…”表示数不足本表最小单位数;“#”表示其中的主要项。 十二、由于第四次全国经济普查数据尚未发布,本年鉴与经济普查有关的专业如核算、工业、固定资产投资、建筑业、规模以上服务业、批发零售业和住宿餐饮业等2018年数据均采用年快报数,部分数据由于只有年报数据故暂时无法提供,上述专业2018年年报数据将在2020年出版的统计年鉴反映。 Ⅰ.Guangzhou Statistical Yearbook 2019(abbreviation as the Yearbook below)is an annualstatistics publication,reflecting comprehensively the economic and social development ofGuangzhou.It covers maily statistics in 2018 and some selected major data series in historicallyimportant years,at municipal level and local level of district. Ⅱ.The Yearbook contains the following 18 chapters:1.Gerneral Survey;2.Population;3.Employment and Wages;4.Investment in Fixed Assets;5.Energy and Environment;6.GovernmentFinance and Banking;7.Price Indices;8.People's Livelihood;9.City Construction;10.Agriculture;11.Industry;12.Construction;13.Transport,Postal and TelecommunicationServices;14.Domestic Trade;15.Foreign Economy and Tourism;16.Service Industry aboveScale;17.Science and Technology;18.Education,Culture,Sports,Public Health,SocialWelfare and Others.The data listed in the Appendix are main economic indicators of China,Guangdong province,Hongkong Special Administrative Region and Macao Administrative Region. Ⅲ.The data in the Yearbook are mainly obtained from regular ststistical reports and samplesurveys conducted by statistics bureaus of all levels of government and the Surney office of the NationalBureau of statistics in Guangzhou.Some data are collected from the departments of the provincial andmunicipal government. Ⅳ.Since 2014 Guangzhou administrative division has been adjusted.The original Huangpu andLuogang districts have been merged into the new Huangpu district.The former Zengcheng City and theformer Conghua City are divided into districts.Since 2015,Guangzhou city administrative division hasincluded 11 districts,which are Liwan district,Yuexiu district,Haizhu district,Tianhe district,Baiyundistrict,Huangpu district,Panyu district,Huadu district,Nansha district,Conghua district andZengcheng district,excluding county-level cities. Ⅴ.From 2014 urban and rural integrated household survey is carried out in Guangzhou,statisticalindicator system of urban and rural integrated household survey is changed greatly. Ⅵ.According to the notice of the National Bureau of Statistics on the implementation of the newnational standard of national economic industry classification(2017) 142,the new national economicindustry classification has been used from the statistical annual report of 2017 and the periodicstatistical report of 2018.In this data,all the tables related to sub-industries(except the data provided byindividual departments are classified according to the old industry,as indicated in the table),areadjusted according to the new industry classification & GB/T4754-2017 of national economy. Ⅶ.Starting from 2018,a new chapter entitled "Service Industry above scale" has been added. Ⅷ.The prices used in calculation in the Yearbook are current prices except noted. Ⅸ.In any case the data of this book shall be deemed as the authoritative ones. Ⅹ.In the Yearbook all caculating errors of some total and regular figures for the differency ofmeasuring units haven't been adjusted. Ⅺ.Notations in this book:blank space indicates data are not available;"…" indicates notlarge enough to be rounded into the least unit of measurement;"#" indicates major item in acategory. Ⅶ.Because the result of the Fourth National Economic Census have not yet been released,data of2018 in this Yearbook related to the census such as national account,industry,investment,construction,service above designated size,wholesale and retail sale and catering adopt the result of flash annualreport.Some data that only could be collected with annual report are not offered for the present.Thedata based on the annual report of these industries will be reflected in the Yearbook 2020.
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