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北京统计年鉴 2017年 PDF版

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《北京统计年鉴》是一部按年连续出版的大型统计资料。本年鉴通过大量的统计数据,真实地记录了北京市一年来经济社会发展变化情况,是国内外各界人士了解北京、认识北京的重要资料工具书。 一、关于框架结构 (一)总体结构 《北京统计年鉴》整体框架基本保持稳定,彩页内容以图文并茂的形式反映了本地区经济社会发展主要趋势和变化;统计表是年鉴的主体内容,主要包括综合,国民经济核算,人口与就业,财政与税收,能源、资源和环境,全社会固定资产投资和房地产开发,对外经济贸易,价格指数,人民生活,城市公用事业,农业及农村经济,工业,建筑业,第三产业,交通运输邮电,批发和零售业、住宿和餐饮业,旅游业,金融和保险,教育、文化,科技,卫生、体育,社会福利、社区、政法及其他,开发区等23个章节,从多行业、多领域客观反映全市经济和社会发展情况。 (二)章节结构 章节内结构:每一章节由简要说明、统计表和主要统计指标解释三部分组成。简要说明在每一章节首页,主要介绍该章节的主要内容、资料来源、统计范围、指标口径和历史数据调整方法;主要统计指标解释在每章节页尾,主要对本章节内所涉及的主要指标、计算方法等做简要解释;统计表是各章节的核心内容。 统计表排列:每一章节注重从反映该领域主要情况出发,编排统计表内容。统计表的排列顺序一般先是主要指标历史数据表,后为当年数据表。 二、关于使用要领 (一)年份 按照惯例,书名中标注的年份为出版年份,年鉴中统计表内最新数据为上一年数据。例如,书名为《北京统计年鉴2017》表示此本年鉴为2017年出版,年鉴中最新数据年份截至2016年。 统计表名中的“年份”大致会有三种标识方法,分别代表三种含义:一是“表格名称(年-年)”表示表内所列数据是包含了这两个年份之间的各年资料;二是统计表名中未显示年份,表示表内所列数据为当年和上年两年数据;三是“表格名称(年)”表示表内所列数据仅为某一年资料。 (二)符号 统计表中常见符号如下: #:表示总计中的其中项;有“#”号的分组指标表示总计的部分项目,无“#”号的分组指标则表示其中项之和等于总计。 ‖:宾栏中的“‖”为分组符号,代表某个指标存在几种分组数据。 …:表示该数据不足该表最小计量单位数。 空格:表示该项指标数据不详或没有数据。 ***:表示为使个体数据得以保密,该数据不予公布。 (三)文字说明 文字说明包括使用指南、目录、简要说明、指标解释和表下注解。使用指南在目录之前,是对年鉴整体框架进行介绍,对主要调整内容进行说明;简要说明在每一章节首页,主要介绍该章节的主要内容、资料来源、统计范围、指标口径和历史数据调整方法等;统计表下的注释则是对部分统计指标口径、方法、范围等内容的说明。 (四)数据 一般情况下,每一章节的前几张表均为该专业或该领域核心指标的历史数据。历史数据如果按年份连续反映 在一张表内的,一般可以连续使用,但也需要留意表下的注释,以便对指标内涵有更详尽的了解;如果历史数据分成若干张表显示,则表示相关指标统计有过重大调整,需要分段反映。 此外,最新出版的年鉴上发布的部分历史数据会与以往年鉴上的数据有调整,存在差异,因此在查询和使用历史数据时应以最新出版的年鉴为准。 (五)电子光盘 《北京统计年鉴》配有电子光盘,包括中文和英文两种语言的版本,辅助用户对数据进行加工处理。 (六)本年鉴中部分数据合计数或相对数由于计量单位取舍不同而产生的计算误差,均未作机械调整。 三、关于2017年版《北京统计年鉴》说明 与2016年版《北京统计年鉴》相比较,本年鉴在内容上主要做了如下调整: 1.本书对部分章节顺序进行调整。 2.按照国家统计局统一要求,自2016年1月起,北京流通消费价格统计执行新的《流通和消费价格统计报表制度》,其中居民消费价格和商品零售价格调查项目目录均重新进行了修订调整。根据国家统计制度要求,工业生产者价格统计调查每五年进行一次基期轮换,2016年开始使用2015年作为新一轮的对比基期。 3.按照国家统计局部署,2016年开始实施地区研发支出核算方法改革,将研发支出未计入地区生产总值部分进行补充核算,对1996-2015年地区生产总值进行了调整,同时调整了研发与试验发展(R&D)经费内部支出相当于地区生产总值比例数据,以及2016年万元地区生产总值能耗及下降率、平均每万元地区生产总值能源消费量。 4.继续加强文字内容修订,方便读者了解数据变化情况。一是修订各章节简要说明内容,将各章节反映的数据内容、数据来源、统计标准以及数据历史变化等情况全面呈现;二是及时增减章节后的主要指标解释内容,根据当年指标变化等情况对各章节指标解释进行统一的修订、调整;三是更新表下注释内容,准确反映当年数据口径内容调整变化情况;四是根据北京市行政机构调整情况,对相关单位名称进行统一修订。 Beijing Statistical Yearbook is a large statistical book published continuously on a chronological basis.With a great deal of statistical data,this Yearbook gives a true reflection of the social and economic development and changes in Beijing over the past year.It serves as an important reference book for domestic and foreign personnel in all circles to understand and know Beijing. Ⅰ.Framework Structure (Ⅰ)Overall Structure The overall structure of Beijing Statistical Yearbook remains basically stable.In color pages,main tendency and changes about economic and social development of Beijing have been presented with both illustration and pictures;statistical tables are the main part of this Yearbook,mainly including 23 chapters,i.e.General Survey;National Accounts;Population and Employment;Government Finance and Tax Revenues;Energy,Resources and Environmental Protection;Total Investment in Fixed Assets and Real Estate Development;Foreign Trade;Price Index;People's Livelihood;Public Utilities;Agriculture and Rural Economy;Industry;Construction;Tertiary Industry;Transport,Post and Telecommunication Service;Wholesale and Retail Trade,Accomodation and Restaurants;Tourism;Finance and Insurance;Education and Culture;Science and Technology;Health Care and Sports;Social Welfare,Community,Plicies & Laws and Others;and Development Zones 23 chapters in total,reflecting the economic and social development situation across the city through multiple industries and fields. (Ⅱ) Structure of Chapters Internal structure of chapters:Each chapter is composed of the Brief Introduction,Statistical Tables and Explanatory Notes to Main Statistical Indicators.Brief Introduction appears on the first page of each chapter,mainly introducing the main content,source of data,statistical scope,indicator standards,method of adjustment to historical data in each chapter;Explanatory Notes to Main Statistical Indicators come on the last page of each chapter,mainly giving a brief explanation to the main indicators and calculation method,etc.involved in the chapter;Statistical Tables are the core content of each chapter. Arrangement of statistical tables:In each chapter,statistical tables are arranged for the purpose of reflecting the main conditions in the field.Generally speaking,historical statistical tables come before current year statistical tables. Ⅱ.How to Use (Ⅰ)Years Conventionally,the year indicated in the book is the year of publication.The latest data indicated in the statistical tables in this Yearbook are data in the previous years.For example,this book is titled 2017 Bejing Statistical Yearbook,which means it will be published in 2017 while the lastest data in the book is by the end of 2016. "Years" in the statistical tables are marked in three ways,each indicating a different meaning.Firstly,the statistical table is named "******(AAAA- BBBB)",which refers to that the data listed in the table are those from the year of AAAA to BBBB;Secondly,the statistical table contains no years,indicating that the data listed in the table are those of current year and last year;Thirdly,the statistical table is named "******(AAAA)",indicating that the data listed in the table are those of the year of AAAA. (Ⅱ) Symbols Symbols in statistical tables include: #:means that the item is included in the total.Grouped indicators marked with "#" are part of the total,while those without "#" mean that sum of inclded items equals to the total. ||:means that there are multiple ways of grouping the indicators. ...:means that the figure is less than the minimum measurement unit of the table. Blank:mean that the figure is unknown or unavailable. ***:means that the figure is not disclosed for secrecy reasons. (Ⅲ) Explanations Explanations include User Guide,Table of Contents,Brief Introduction,Explanatory Notes to Main Statistical Indicators and notes under the tables.User Guide appears before the Table of Contents,giving an introduction to the overall framework of this Yearbook,and explaining the main adjustments;Brief Introduction appears on the first page of each chapter,giving an introduction to the chapter's main content,source of data,statistical scope,standards of indicators,adjustment method of historical data,etc;Notes under the statistical tables make an explanation on standard of some indicators,method and scope,etc. (Ⅳ) Data In general cases,the first tables in each chapter contain historical data of core indicators in the area or field.Generally speaking,historical data that are shown in one table continuously by year can be used continuously.But it is also necessary to refer to the notes under the table in order to have a full understanding of the connation of indicators;historical data that are shown in several tables indicate that there were major adjustments to relevant indicators,and they need to be reflected by sections. In addition,some of the historical data in the latest yearbook may have been adjusted over data in previous yearbooks.Therefore please refer to the latest yearbook when enquiring or using historical data. (Ⅴ)Electronic CD-ROM Beijing Statistical Yearbook is provided with a CD-ROM,which containes Chinese and English versions of this Yearbook.The CD-ROM helps users in working with and processing the data. (Ⅵ) The sum of some statistics or some relative numbers in this Yearbook might have certain calculation errors because of the choice of different units of measurement.All the statistics have not undergone mechanical adjustment. Ⅲ.About 2017 Beijing Statistical Yearbook Compared with 2016 Beijing Statistical Yearbook,the following adjustments have been mainly made: 1.The order of certain chapters has been adjusted in this Yearbook. 2.In accordance with the unified requirements of the National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China(NBS),since January 2016,a new Circulation and Consumer Price Statistical Form System has been implemented by the circulation and consumer price statistics in Beijing,of which the survey item directories for consumer price and retail price were revised.According to the requirements of national statistical system,the statistical year of 2015 began to be used as a new round of base period for comparison in 2016. 3.In accordance with the deployment of the National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China(NBS),the reform of calculation method of regional R&D expenditure has been implemented since 2016,according to which the part of R&D expenditure not included in GDP figures were calculated additionally and GDP figures of 1996-2015 were adjusted.Moreover,the proportional data of internal spending of R&D expenditure in GDP,the energy consumption per RMB 10,000 GDP and decrease rate in 2016 and the energy consumption per RMB 10,000 GDP have also been adjusted. 4.Continue to strengthen the text revision work to make it easier for readers to understand the data changes.1) To revise the content of the overview part of each chapter,comprehensively reflecting the data content,data sources,statistical standards and the historical changes of data and so on;2) To timely revise or adjust the explanation part of the major indicators attached after the body text in each chapter according to the changes of indicators and the content of indicators of that very year and so on;3) To update the content of notes under the tables,accurately reflecting the changes and adjustments of the data approach of that very year to make readers understand the data changes and accurately use the annual statistical data in different periods and different sectors;4) The names of certain units have been revised uniformly according to the adjustments to the administrative bodies in Beijing.
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