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中国住户调查年鉴(英文版) 2014年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:65M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2016-01-26 数据来源:统计局 关注人气:
2014 China Yearbook of Household Survey is the statistical publication which involves both the data of Urban Household Survey and the data of Rural Household Survey in China.The yearbook for the first time included the data result derived from the urban/rural integrated household survey of 2013,such as per capita income and consumption expenditure of national residents,consumption quantity of major foods of national residents,year-end ownership of main durable goods owned by national households in 2013.At the same time,this yearbook will continue to retain related data of urban residents and rural residents nationally,by 31 provinces(autonomous regions and municipalities),by income quintile,and by four economic regions.This data source of this yearbook originates from Urban/Rural Integrated HouseholdSurvey implemented in 2013 as well as Urban Household Survey and Rural HouseholdSurvey separately implemented in 2012 and before by National Bureau of Statistics ofChina.The information of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,Macao SpecialAdministrative Region and Taiwan Province is not included.In this yearbook,incomeand consumption expenditure data of national residents derives from the IntegratedHousehold Survey,while related data of urban residents and rural residents are aggre-gated according to the scheme of Urban Household Survey and Rural Household Survey correspondingly,so as to maintain the consistency with the data of previous years.The book includes the following seven parts:(1) Introduction to Household Surveys ofChina;(2) Main Statistics of Income,Consumption Expenditure and Living Conditionsof National Residents in 2013;(3) Main Statistics of Income,Consumption Expendi-ture and Living Conditions of Urban Residents and Rural Residents in Previous Years;(4)Basic Statistics by Groups for Selected Years;(5) Statistics of Income and ConsumptionExpenditure of Urban Residents and Rural Residents by Province for Selected Years;(6) Main Statistics of Income and Consumption Expenditure of All Residents,UrbanResidents and Rural Residents by Province;(7) Basic Statistics of Investment in Fixed Assets by Rural Household.Statistical discrepancies due to rounding are not adjusted in this yearbook.The notes concerning the whole table are placed at the beginning of the table,while the notes concerning individual indicators are placed at the end.Notations used in this yearbook:"..." data are not available;"#" major items;"*" see footnotes below ".
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相关年鉴()下载更多: 中国住户调查年鉴(英文版)(42)

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