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云南调查年鉴 2015年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:130M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2016-03-17 数据来源:国家统计局云南调查总队 关注人气:
一、 《云南调查年鉴》是一本重点反映云南经济发展变化的工具书。通过大量调查数据,全面记载云南省城乡居民收入、生活消费、居民消费价格、工农产品生产价格、农业调查、专项调查等的各项统计调查数据。同时,为了方便使用和对比,本资料增加了全国及各省(区、市)的统计调查数据。二、本年鉴内容分6个部分。住户调查、价格调查、农业调查、企业调查、专项调查、全国及各省(区、市)资料;为了方便读者使用,我们还附有调查简要说明与主要指标解释。三、资料中所使用的度量衡单位均采用国际统一标准的计量单位。四、本年鉴中部分数据合计数或相对数由于单位取舍不同而产生的计算误差,均未作机械调整。五、符号使用说明:“#”表示其中的主要项;“…”表示数据不足本表最小计量单位数;“空格”表示没有、不详或不掌握该项数据。由于编者水平有限,加之时间仓促,资料的时间跨度较大,本年鉴不当之处,敬请读者批评指正。I.“Yunnan Survey Yearbook”is a tool book focus on the economic development of Yxinnan.Recording of the income of urban and rural residents,consumption,consumer prices,prices ofindustry and agriculture products,survey of agriculture production,special survey of Yunnanthrough a large number of survey data.At the same time,in order to facilitate comparison,thisinformation has increased the national and provincial(autonomous regions and municipalities)statistical survey data.II.This yearbook contains 6 parts:Household Survey,Price Survey,Agricultural Survey,Special Survey,the National and Provincial(autonomous regions and municipalities)Data;We alsohave brief introduction and explanatory notes on main statistical indicators in each partfor the Convenience of readers.III.The units of measurement used in the book are internationally standard measurement units.IV.Statistical discrepancies on totals and relative figures due to rounding are not adjusted in theYearbook.V.Notations used in the yearbook:“#”indicates the major items of the total;“”indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in thetable;“blank”indicates no,unknown or master of the data.Due to the limited time and the level of the editor,this book is bound to have some mistakes,please provide your advice if necessary.
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