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中国海洋统计年鉴 2014年 PDF版

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一、《中国海洋统计年鉴》2014年版是一部全面反映2013年中华人民共和国海洋经济发展和海洋管理服务情况的资料性年鉴,全书为中英文对照。二、本年鉴的统计资料范围为人们在海洋和沿海地区开发、管理、利用海洋资源和空间,发展海洋经济的生产和活动以及沿海地区的社会经济概况。地域范围为沿海地区、沿海城市和沿海地带,其排列顺序按《沿海行政区域分类与代码》(HY/T094-2006)的顺序排列。三、本年鉴内容包括综合资料、海洋经济核算、主要海洋产业活动、主要海洋产业生产能力、涉海就业、海洋科学技术、海洋教育、海洋环境保护、海洋行政管理及公益服务、全国及沿海社会经济、部分世界海洋经济统计资料等十一部分。四、本年鉴根据《海洋统计报表制度》(国统制[2012]50号)和《海洋生产总值核算制度》(国统制[2013]93号),资料主要来源于沿海省、自治区、直辖市统计局、海洋厅(局)以及20个有关涉海部、局、总公司。五、本年鉴中除特殊说明外,所有价值量指标均为当年价,除注明年份外,其他均为2013年数据,年鉴中每部分后附有主要海洋统计指标解释,对主要海洋统计指标的含义、统计范围和统计方法做了简要说明。统计数据中的其他说明置于表的下面。有续表的资料,如有注释均置于最后一张表的下面。六、由于全国第三次经济普查数据尚在审核汇总中,故本年鉴中“全国及沿海社会经济”和“海洋经济核算”中有关数据为初步核算数。七、本年鉴表格中符号使用说明:“…”表示数据不足本表最小计算单位数;“空格”表示该项统计指标数据不详或无该项数据;“#”表示其中的主要项;其他符号如“*”或“①”等表示本表后面有注释。八、本年鉴中由于数字精确度的原因,四舍五入后部分分项值之和与合计值有微小差异。九、本年鉴资料国内部分未包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾省数据。十、《中国海洋统计年鉴》在编撰过程中,得到了各有关单位的大力支持,我们在此表示衷心的感谢。本年鉴中如有疏漏和不妥之处,敬请读者批评指正。IlltrodllCtion I·China Marine Statistical珍arbook(2014)15 a data almanac which reflects inanall一round way the develoPmeni of marine eeonomy)marine management and servieeinthe PeoPle’5 RePublie of China in 2013,and it 15 a Chinese一English bilingual edition. 11.The Yearbook,5 statisties cover the Produetion and aetivities in the marine andeoastal areas in relation to the develoPment,management and utilization of marineresources and sPaee,and the develoPmeni of marine soeioeconomy.The regions eoveredare the coastal regions,eoastal eities and eoastal zones with eoastlines,whlch arearranged in order aeeording to the Coastal Administrative Areas Class访cation and Codes(HY/T 094一2006). 111.The data in the yearbook eonsist of 1 1 seetions,namely, integrated data,marineeeono而e aeeounting,major marine industrial aetivities,Produetion eapaeity of majorroarine industries,ocean一related emPloyment,marine scienee and teehnology, marineedueation,marine environmental Protection,marine administration and Publie一goodserviee,national and eoastal soeioeeonomyi Part of the world‘5 marine eeonomicstalistics data. IV. The Yearbook 15 based on theM改rine Statistics RePortsy‘tem(Guotongzhi【2012]No.50)and the Oeean Gross ProduetAecounting匀)s tem(Guotongzhi【2013」No.93),its data mainly come from the statistical bureaus and the oceanic administrations ofthe coastal Provinees,autonomous regions,and rnunieiPalities direetly under the CentralGovern力以ent as well as the 20 oeean一related ministries,bureaus and general corporationsConeerned. V Unless otherwise sPeeified in the Yearbook,all the value Indicators are givenatthe eurrent Priee.ExeePt for those noted in years,all the others are the data of2013.Eaehseetion 15 attached by exPlanatory notes to the major marine statistieal indicators,givinga brief exPlanation for the meaning,statistieal range and statistieal methods ofthe majormarine statistieal indieators.Other notes to the statistieal data are listed below the tables.For the data with eoniinued tables,annotations,if anyi are Put below the last table. Vl.Sinee the data oftheThirdNationalEeonomieCensusareSti1lunderreviewandaceurQulation,the relevant data in the chapters of National and Coastal Soeioeeonomyand Marine Eeono而e Aeeounting are the Preliminary aeeouniing numbers. Vll.The usage of symbols in the tables:“…“indieates the statisties smaller than the一3一而nirnur以ealeulation unit in the table;“Blank‘,indicates that the dala of the statisticalindex isu记mown for the time being or that there 15 not sueh data available;‘,#尸‘indieatesthe major items of the table;Other symbols,sueh as“*尸,or“①“,Indieate“see footuotesbelow,‘. Vlll.For reasons of digital aeeuraey, there 15 small differenee between the sum ofvalues of some subterms after having been rounded off and the total values. IX.The domestie Part of the、飞arbook does not inekide that of Hong Kong SPecialAdministrative Region,Maeau SPeeial Administrative Region and Taiwan Provinee. X.In the course of editing China人匆rl’ne Statistieal Yearbook, we enjoyed energetiesuPPort from the various dePartments eoneemed and we hereby extend our heartfeltthanks to them.Criticisms and eolr比nenis are weleome from readers on any of theoversights and inapProPriateness as the time for editing 15 too short. Editorial DePartmeni ofChinaM丽ne SlatistiealY七arbook一4一
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