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湖北统计年鉴 2015年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:91M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2015-12-01 数据来源:统计局 关注人气:
一、《湖北统计年鉴-2015》是一本信息密集的资料工具书。通过大量数据,全面地分析、记载和反映了湖北省2014年经济、社会、科技、文化等方面的发展情况。具有信息量大、权威性强、适用性广等特点。二、本年鉴包括综合、人口、从业人员和职工工资、固定资产投资、能源生产和消费、物价指数、人民生活、资源和环境、城市概况、农业、工业、建筑业、运输和邮电、国内贸易、对外经济和旅游、财政、金融和保险业、教育、科技和文化、体育、卫生、社会福利、湖北省开发区主要经济指标、武汉城市圈、鄂西生态文化旅游圈、县市概况、附录等23个部分。三、2015年的湖北统计年鉴,篇章结构与《中国统计年鉴》保持一致,参照执行了国家统计局《省级统计年鉴指标体系目录》,采用了最新的国民经济行业分类标准和指标口径,并对英文注释和指标解释进行了全面修订。四、本年鉴对过去发表的统计资料重新予以审核,凡与本年鉴资料有出入的,均以本年鉴为准。本年鉴中统计公报的数据为初步数,若与年鉴数据不一致,请以年鉴数据为准。五、年鉴中指标的使用要结合文中的指标解释,以及注解合理使用,以免发生错误。六、《湖北统计年鉴》公开出版以来,受到国内外读者的爱护与支持,对本年鉴的内容和编辑工作提出了许多宝贵意见,为此,我们特表谢意。由于水平有限,编辑工作中难免有疏误之处,竭诚欢迎读者批评指正。I.Statistical Yearbook of Hubei 2015 is an information-intensive data reference book.|Through a large amount of data,comprehensive analysis,records and reflects the Hubei!province 2014 economy,society,science and technology,culture and other aspects ofidevelopment.With a large amount of information,authoritative,wide applicability and so on.II.The Yearbook includes comprehensive,population,practitioners and staff salaries,fixed assets investment,energy production and consumption,price index,the life of people andnatural resources and the environment,city situation,agriculture,industry,construction,transportation,post and telecommunications,domestic trade,foreign economy and tourism,finance,banking and insurance,education,science and culture,sports,public health,socialwelfare,Hubei Province Development Zone of main economic norms,Wuhan city circle,ecological cultural tourism circle of Western Hubei,county profiles,Appendix 23 departments,city of part of the Department of city information,not including the city administer county.III.In the 2015 statistical yearbook of Hubei,discourse structure and"China StatisticalYearbook"remain the same,with reference to the implementation of the"provincial statisticsindex system directory".The statistic of yearbook adopted the lastest standard and diameterrange.And the English version and the interpretation of indicators were revised thoroughy.IV.The Yearbook of the past published statistical data to examine every and the almanacdata discrepancies,refer to this yearbook prevail.The Yearbook of statistics data for the initialcount,if the Yearbook text data are not consistent,please refer to the text data is accurate.V.In the annals of indicators are used to combine the interpretation of indicators,as wellas annotations and reasonable use,so as to avoid mistakes.VI.Statistical Yearbook of Hubei published since,by domestic and foreign readers to careand support,the Yearbook content and editorial work put forward a lot of valuable advice,forthis,we express our gratitude.Because the level is limited,in the editing work of unavoidableerrors,we welcome suggestions and criticisms.
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