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GFMS黄金年鉴 2019年 PDF版(英文)(世界黄金年鉴)

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:英文 文件大小:7 MB 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2020-06-12 数据来源:黄金矿业服务公司(GFMS) 关注人气:
GFMS GOLD SURVEY 2019 GFMS世界黄金年鉴2019
1. Summary and Price Outlook 7
• Supply 8 • Demand 9 • Price and Market Outlook 10
2. Investment 13
• Commodity Exchanges 14 • Exchange Traded Funds 15 • Physical Bar Investment 16
• Official Coins 17 • Medals and Imitation Coins 18
3. Mine Supply 21
• Mine Production 22 • Corporate Activity 26 • Producer Hedging 27
• Production Costs 28
4. Supply from Above-Ground Stocks 30
• Scrap Supply 30
5. Official Sector 34
• Purchases 34 • Sales 35 • Outlook 35
6. Fabrication Demand 37
• Carat Jewellery 39 • Industrial Demand 45 • Electronics 45 • Dentistry 46
• Other Industrial and Decorative Uses 47
7. Country Sections 49
• China 49 • India 56 • North America 63 • Turkey 65 • Japan 66
• Italy 67 • Switzerland 68 • Russia 70 • Germany 71
• United Kingdom 72 • South Korea 73 • Indonesia 74 • Malaysia 75
• Thailand 76 • Vietnam 77 • Middle East 78 • Saudi Arabia 79 • United Arab Emirates 80
8. Appendix 83
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相关年鉴()下载更多: 黄金年鉴(20)gold surver(4)世界黄金年鉴(3)

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