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中国社会统计年鉴 2021年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:104M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2022-01-19 数据来源:国家统计局社会科技和文化产业统计司 关注人气:
一、《中国社会统计年鉴—2021》是一部反映我国社会发展相关领域基本情况的综合性统计资料年刊。书中收录了2020年全国和各省、自治区、直辖市社会发展各领域的主要统计数据以及重要年份的全国主要统计数据,同时收录了国际社会统计的主要数据。 二、本年鉴正文内容分为13个篇章。即:1.综合;2.人口家庭;3.卫生健康;4.教育培训;5.就业;6.收入消费;7.社会保障;8.居住环境;9.文化休闲;10.资源环境;11.公共安全;12.社会参与;13.国际资料。附录为主要统计指标解释。 三、本年鉴所涉及的全国性统计数据,除行政区划、土地面积和森林资源及特殊注明外,均未包括香港、澳门特别行政区和台湾省数据。 四、本年鉴所使用的度量衡单位均采用国际统一标准计量单位。 五、本年鉴中部分数据合计数或相对数由于单位取舍不同而产生的计算误差,均未做机械调整。 六、本年鉴资料分别来自于:中央宣传部、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、教育部、公安部、民政部、司法部、财政部、人力资源和社会保障部、自然资源部、生态环境部、住房和城乡建设部、交通运输部、水利部、文化和旅游部、国家卫生健康委员会、退役军人事务部、应急管理部、国家广播电视总局、国家体育总局、国家医疗保障局、国家林业和草原局、国家文物局、国家药品监督管理局、中国气象局、国家档案局、中华全国总工会和中国残疾人联合会等部门、国家统计局有关司。 七、符号使用说明:年鉴各表中的“空格”表示该项统计指标数据不详或无该项数据;“#”表示其中的主要项。 八、本年鉴编辑过程中,得到各相关部门的大力支持,在此表示衷心感谢。由于本年鉴涉及内容多、范围广,在资料的整理和编撰方面难免存在不足,敬请指正。 Ⅰ.China Social Statistical Yearbook 2021 is the comprehensive statistics yearbook which reflects various aspects related to social development.It is collected main social statistical data on provinces and national total data in 2020,also main social indicators of other countries/regions in some years. Ⅱ.This Yearbook includes 13 sections:1.General Survey,2.Population and Family,3.Health and Wellness,4.Education and Training,5.Employment,6.Earning and Consumption,7.Social Security,8.Living Condition,9.Culture and Leisure,10.Resources and Environment,11.Public Safety,12.Social Participation,13.International Statistical Indicators.Explanatory notes on main statistical indicators are provided in Appendix. Ⅲ.The national data in this Yearbook do not include those of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,the Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Province,except forthe divisions of administrative areas,the area of the national territory and forest resources andotherwise specified. Ⅳ.The units of measurement used in the Yearbook are internationally standard measurement units. Ⅴ.Statistical discrepancies on totals and relative figures due to rounding are not adjusted in the Yearbook. Ⅵ.Data in the Yearbook are sourced from the following departrnents:the Propaganda Department of CPC Central Committee,Supreme People's Court,Supreme People's Procuratorate,Ministry of Education,Ministry of Public Security,Ministry of Civil Affairs,Ministry of Justice,Ministry of Finance,Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security,Ministry of Natural Resources,Ministry of Ecology and Environment,Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development,Ministry of Transport,Ministry of Water Resources,Ministry of Culture and Tourism,National Health Commission,Ministry of Veterans Affairs,Ministry of Emergency Management,National Radio and Television Administration,General Administration of Sports,National Healthcare Security Administration,State Administration of Forest and Grassland,State Administration of Culture Heritage,National Medical Products Administration,Meteorological Administration,State Archives Administration,All-China Federation of Trade Unions,China Disabled Persons' Federation,Some Departments of National Bureau of Statistics of China,etc. Ⅶ.Notations used in the Yearbook:(blank space) indicates that the data are unknown,or are not available;“#”indicates a major breakdown of the total. Ⅷ.Our deep appreciation goes to many departments which provided supports in compiling this Yearbook.It is inevitable that there might be some mistakes in the book because of wide coverage involved in collecting and compiling social statistics.Suggestions from readers are welcome so as to improve the quality of this publication in the future.
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