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中国贸易外经统计年鉴 2021年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:65M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2022-01-12 数据来源:国家统计局贸易外经统计司 关注人气:
一、《中国贸易外经统计年鉴—2021》是一部全面反映中国国内贸易、对外经济贸易和旅游业发展情况的资料性年刊。本年鉴收录了2020年中国国内消费品市场、批发和零售业、住宿和餐饮业、国际收支、对外贸易、利用外资、对外投资与经济合作和国内旅游的主要统计数据,以及分省、自治区、直辖市和一些重要历史年份的相关统计数据。 二、本年鉴正文内容分为9个部分:1.综合篇;2.消费品市场篇;3.批发和零售业篇;4.住宿和餐饮业篇;5.国际收支篇;6.对外贸易篇;7.利用外资篇;8.对外投资与经济合作篇;9.旅游篇。为便于读者使用,本年鉴对所用略语和主要统计指标的含义、统计范围和统计方法作了简要说明。 三、本年鉴中所涉及的全国性统计数据,均未包括香港、澳门特别行政区和台湾省数据。 四、本年鉴所列对外经济贸易和旅游统计资料由国家统计局贸易外经司根据商务部、海关总署、国家外汇管理局、公安部、文化和旅游部、国家市场监督管理总局等部门的资料加工整理,由于各部门职能不同,统计口径、范围和方法亦有所不同,因此书中有些数据可能不一致,使用统计数据时请参看附录。 五、本年鉴资料中行业分类按《国民经济行业分类》(GB/T 4754-2017)标准划分;企业规模划分按《统计上大中小微型企业划分办法(2017)》标准执行。 六、本年鉴表中所使用的度量衡单位,均为国际统一标准计量单位。 七、年鉴表中的“空格”表示该项统计指标数据不足本表最小单位数、不详或无该项数据;“#”表示其中的主要项;“”或“①”表示本表下有注释。 八、年鉴中没有标明年份的表均为2020年的数据。 Ⅰ.2021 China Trade and External Economic Statistical Yearbook reflects the situation of China in the development of the domestic and foreign trade,the external economic transactions and the tourism synthetically.The yearbook covers the main data of the domestic trade,balance of payments,foreign trade,utilization of foreign capital,overseas direct investment and economic cooperation,and tourism of China in 2020,and embodies the data from national level and all the provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities.It also lists the time series relative data of important indicators by years. Ⅱ.The yearbook contains the following 9 chapters:1.Integration;2.Consumer Goods Market;3.Wholsale and Retail Trades;4.Hotels and Catering Services;5.Balance of Payments;6.Foreign Trade;7.Utilization of Foreign Capital;8.Overseas Direct Investment and Economic Cooperation;9.Tourism.In addition,Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators are provided at the end of book. Ⅲ.The national data in the book do not include that of Hongkong Special Administrative Region,Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Province. Ⅳ.The major sources of data except that in the domestic trade are the regular statistical reporting forms provided by the relevant departments such as the Ministry of Commerce,the General Administration of Customs,the State Administration of Foreign Exchange,the Ministry of Public Security,the Ministry of Culture and Tourism,the State Administration for Market Regulation.The book is edited by the Department of Trade and External Economic Relation Statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics.Since the functions of departments mentioned above are different,the requirement,the scope,the calculating specification and the method of statistics are not in the same,and some of the figures may not be in conformity.Readers who want to use the data please consult the explanatory note. Ⅴ.Data by branch of industry in this book are based on the National Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities(GB/T 4754-2017),and data by size of enterprise are based on the 2017's standards of Enterprises by size. Ⅵ.The units of measurement used in this yearbook are internationally standard measurement units. Ⅶ.Notations used in the yearbook;(blank space) indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table,or data are unknown or are not available;"#" indicates a major breakdown of the total;and "*" or "①" indicates footnotes at the end of the table. Ⅷ.Some tables of the yearbook do not indicate the year,which means the data of the tables belong to 2020.
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