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新疆生产建设兵团统计年鉴 2021年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:102M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2022-01-17 数据来源:新疆生产建设兵团统计局;国家统计局兵团调查总队 关注人气:
一、《新疆生产建设兵团统计年鉴—2021》,是一部全面反映新疆生产建设兵团国民经济和社会发展情况的综合性资料年刊,刊载了兵团、各师、城市、乡(镇)和团场2020年国民经济和社会发展各方面统计数据,新疆及分地(州、市)、全国及分省(区、市)主要统计数据,兵团、师、团场主要经济指标排序资料与各省(区、市)主要指标排序等资料。 二、全书内容分为特载和统计资料两部分,特载部分刊载了兵团2020年国民经济和社会发展统计公报;统计资料部分包括20篇数据资料:1.综合;2.国民经济核算;3.就业;4.房地产开发投资;5.资源与环境;6.财务;7.价格指数;8.人民生活;9.农业;10.工业;11.建筑业;12.交通运输业;13.国内贸易;14.能源生产与消费;15.利用外资、旅游业和规模以上服务业;16.金融业和上市公司;17.科技、教育、文化和卫生;18.公共管理、社会保障和其他;19.城市、乡(镇)和团场基本情况;20.各师、团场主要指标排序。另附各省(区、市)主要经济指标排序资料。各篇前为简要说明,对本篇章的主要内容、资料来源、统计范围、统计方法以及历史变动情况作简要概述。 三、本年鉴中大部分资料来自年度统计报表,部分来自抽样调查和有关业务部门。为便于读者使用,对某些指标在表下作了简要注释。 四、本年鉴所涉及的全国性统计数据,除特殊注明外,均未包括香港、澳门特别行政区和台湾省数据。 五、2020年开展第七次全国人口普查暨兵团人口统计调查,人口数据以此次调查数据为准,数据另行发布。 六、本年鉴使用的度量衡单位均采用国际统一标准计量单位。 七、本年鉴中涉及到的历史数据,均以最新出版的本年鉴数据为准;年鉴中部分数据合计数或相对数由于单位取舍不同而产生的计算误差均未做机械调整。 八、符号使用说明:“…”或“-”表示数据不足本指标最小单位数;“空格”表示该项统计指标数据不详或无该项数据;“#”表示其中的主要项。 九、在编辑过程中,得到了国家统计局、自治区统计局、国家统计局新疆调查总队和兵团机关有关部、委、办、局的大力支持与协助,在此表示衷心感谢!限于我们的水平,加之时间仓促,不足之处,敬请广大读者和各位统计同仁批评指正。 Ⅰ.Xinjiang Production & Construction Corps Statistical Yearbook 2021 is a comprehensive annual statistical publication,which reflects entirely national economic and social development of the XPCC.It covers various statistical data of national economic and social development for 2020 at levels of the XPCC,division,city,township(town) and regiment(farm);main indicators on Xinjiang and prefectures(cities),and the whole country,provinces(regions and municipalities);and ranking data of main economic indicators of the XPCC,divisions,regiments(farms),and provinces(regions and municipalities). Ⅱ.The yearbook contains two parts,namely,special issue and statistical data.Special issue carries Statistical Communique of the XPCC on the 2020 National Economic and Social Development.Statistical data contains twenty chapters:1.General Survey;2.National Accounts;3.Employment;4.Investment in Real Estate Development;5.Resources and Environment;6.Finanial Affairs;7.Price Indices;8.People's Livelihoods;9.Agriculture;10.Industry;11.Construction;12.Transport;13.Domestic Trade;14.Energy Production and Consumption;15.Utilization of Foreign Capital,Economic Cooperation,Tourism and Services above Designated Size;16.Financial Intermediation and Listed Companies;17.Science and Technology,Education,Culture and Public Health;18.Public Management,Social Security and Others;19.Basic Conditions of Cities,Townships(Towns) and Regiments(Farms);20.Ranking on Main Indicators by Division and Regiment.Ranking Data on Main Economic Indicators by Province(Region and Municipality) are attached in the appendix.The Brief Introduction at the beginning of each chapter provides a summary of the main contents of the chapter,data sources,statistical coverage,statistical methods and historical changes. Ⅲ.Most of data sources in the yearbook are obtained from annual statistical statements,some from sample surveys and some from data provided by relevant administrative departments.To facilitate readers,brief footnotes concerning some indicators are placed at the end of the tables. Ⅳ.The national data in the yearbook do not include those of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,the Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Province,unless otherwise specified. Ⅴ.Statistics of the seventh national population census and the XPCC population survey was undertaken in 2020.For the population data,please refer to the census data.The data will be released separately. Ⅵ.The units of measurement used in the yearbook are international standard measurement units. Ⅶ.For updated historical data,please refer to the newly published version of the yearbook.Statistical discrepancies on totals and relative figures due to rounding are not adjusted in the yearbook. Ⅷ.Notations used in the yearbook:"..." or "-" indicates that the figure is less than the minimum measurement unit of the indicator;(blank space) indicates that the data are unknown,or are not available;and "#" indicates a major breakdown of the total. Ⅸ.During the compilation process,the yearbook has received great support and assistance from the National Bureau of Statistics,Xinjiang Bureau of Statistics,NBS Survey Office in Xinjiang,and relevant departments of the XPCC.We would like to express our heartfelt thanks.Due to our inadequate proficiency and hasty time,readers and statistical colleagues would be kindly requested to point out and comment deficiencies in the yearbook.
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