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宁夏调查年鉴 2021年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:96M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2022-01-16 数据来源:国家统计局宁夏调查总队 关注人气:
一、《宁夏调查年鉴—2021》是国家统计局宁夏调查总队编辑的集调查分析报告和统计调查数据于一体的资料性书籍。 二、《宁夏调查年鉴—2021》系统收录了宁夏全区及沿黄地区、中南部地区和各市、县(区)2020年城乡居民收入、物价、粮食产量、畜禽产品产量、农民工就业、农村贫困等统计调查数据,同时还整理了历史重要年份全国、全区主要统计调查数据,是一部从不同侧面反映宁夏经济和社会发展情况的资料性年刊。 三、本书正文内容分为七大篇章,即,1.综合;2.住户调查;3.价格调查;4.农业调查;5.农民工调查;6.农村贫困调查;7.附录。为方便读者使用,每篇调查数据前后分别附简要说明和主要指标解释,对本项调查的数据来源、主要指标口径变动情况、主要指标涵义等作了说明和解释。 四、本书所涉及的调查数据有的是调查样本数据超级汇总的结果,有的是根据调查样本数据计算的平均数,有的是根据调查样本数据计算的结构数,有的是根据调查样本数据加权推算的总体数据,在每篇数据前附有具体说明。 五、根据宁夏区情特点,本书除提供全区、市、县(市、区)调查数据外,还根据调查样本数据推算出沿黄地区、中南部地区汇总数据。沿黄地区包括兴庆区、西夏区、金凤区、永宁县、贺兰县、灵武市、大武口区、惠农区、平罗县、利通区、青铜峡市、沙坡头区、中宁县。中南部地区包括红寺堡区、盐池县、同心县、原州区、西吉县、隆德县、泾源县、彭阳县、海原县。银川市辖区包括:兴庆区、金凤区、西夏区。石嘴山市辖区包括:大武口区、惠农区。 六、本书中有些历史数据由于制度方法的改革,调查指标口径、范围、涵义等发生变化,为了便于可比,有的指标按现行方案规定作了调整,有的指标口径无法调整仍沿用过去口径。有的指标最近几年有,而过去没有;有的指标过去有,而现行指标体系已经取消。使用时要注意。 七、本书所使用的度量衡单位,均采用国际统一标准计量单位。 八、本书中部分数据合计数或相对数由于单位取舍不同而产生的计算误差,均未作机械调整。 九、符号使用说明:表中的“空格”表示该项统计指标数据不足本表最小单位数、不详或无该项数据;“#”表示其中的主要项;“”或“①”表示本表下有注解。 Ⅰ.Ningxia Survey Yearbook 2021 is an annual statistical publication compiled by Survey Office of the National Bureau of Statistics in Ningxia,which reflects comprehensively investigation analysis report and statistical data. Ⅱ.Ningxia Survey Yearbook 2021 covers income of urban and rural residents,price,grain yield,livestock and poultry yield,employment in migrant,rural poverty,etc of Ningxia,Plain Areas,Mountain Areas and Counties in 2020.It digested statistical data from historically important years at the national and the district,is an informative publication yearly which reflected Ningxia economic and social development from different aspects. Ⅲ.The Yearbook contains 7 chapters:1.General Survey;2.Household Survey;3.Price Survey;4.Agriculture Survey;5.Migrant Workers Survey;6.Rural Poverty Survey;7.Appendix.Brief description and explanatory note on main statistical indicators before and after each chapter is attached to the readers to use,it elaborates on the data source,the main indicators caliber changes in meaning,main index of the survey. Ⅳ.The survey data of the Yearbook have a plenty of the super summary results,have a plenty of the average,have a plenty of the sample data structure,have a plenty of the weighted overall data,with details before each data. Ⅴ.According to provincial characteristics of Ningxia,the Yearbook provides the survey data in addition to district,city and county(city,area),and calculates the summary data according to thesample data of Plain Areas and Mountain Areas.Plain Areas include Xingqing,Xixia,Jinfeng,Yongning,Helan,Lingwu,Dawukou,Huinong,Pingluo,Litong,Qingtongxia,Shapotou,Zhongning.Mountain Areas include Hongsipu,Yanchi,Tongxin,Yuanzhou,Xiji,Longde,Jingyuan,Pengyang,Haiyuan.Yinchuan area includes Xingqing,Jinfeng,Xixia district.Shizuishan area includes Dawukou,Huinong district. Ⅵ.Some historical data as the reform of the system method,survey indicators caliber,scope,meaning,etc,in order to facilitate comparable,some indexes have adjusted on the current system,some indicators caliber are still using the past as failing adjust.Some indicators are in recent years,but not in the past;some index in the past and the current index system has been cancelled.Pay attention when using. Ⅶ.The units of measurement used in this Yearbook are internationally standard measurement units. Ⅷ.Statistical discrepancies on total and relative figures due to rounding are not adjusted in the Yearbook. Ⅸ.Notations used in the Yearbook:(blank space) indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table,or data are unknown,or are not available;“#”indicates a major breakdown of the total;and "*"or "①" indicates footnotes at the end of the table.
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