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沙尘天气年鉴 2018年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:56M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2021-01-28 数据来源:中国气象局 关注人气:
沙尘天气是风将地面尘土、沙粒卷入空中,使空气混浊的一种天气现象的统称,是影响我国北方地区的主要灾害性天气之一。强沙尘天气的发生往往给当地人民的生命财产造成巨大损失。 近年来,随着社会、经济的发展,沙尘天气给国民经济、生态环境和社会活动等诸多方面造成的灾害性影响越来越受到社会各界和国际上的关注。我国对沙尘天气及其危害非常重视,监测手段的逐渐增多以及沙尘天气研究工作取得的进展,使沙尘天气的预报水平不断地提高,为防御和减轻沙尘天气造成的损失做出了重要贡献。 为了适应沙尘天气科学研究的需要,也为各级气象台站气象业务技术人员提供更充分的沙尘天气信息,更好地掌握沙尘天气活动规律,提高预报准确率,国家气象中心组织整编了《沙尘天气年鉴2018年》。年鉴中有关资料承蒙全国各有关省、自治区、直辖市气象局的大力协助和支持,使编写工作得以顺利完成。 《沙尘天气年鉴2018年》的内容包括对2018年沙尘天气过程概况的描述和沙尘天气产生的气象条件的分析,全年和逐月沙尘天气时空分布及主要沙尘天气过程相关图表等。 Sand-dust weather is the phenomenon that wind blows dust and sand from ground into the air and makes it turbid.It's one of the main disastrous weather phenomena influencing northern areas of our country.Great casualties of people's lives and properties occur in these areas because of severe sand-dust weather. In recent years,with the development of society and economy,the disastrous influence of sand-dust weather on national economy,ecology and social life has become a hot issue in China,even in the world.With more and more attention to sand-dust weather and gradual increment of monitoring ways,the sand-dust weather research has been made and forecast level for this kind of weather has been improved,which contributes a lot to loss mitigation and sand-dust weather prevention. In order to meet the requirements of sandstorm research,provide more sufficient sand-dust weather information for weather forecasters,National Meteorological Center compiled this “Sand-dust Weather Almanac 2018”.The volume of almanac not only assists us by obtaining further knowledge on the behavior of sandstorm and improving forecast accuracy but provides better service for prevention of sandstorm as well.Thanks for the contribution of sand-dust data from relevant meteorological sections.We own the success of this compilation to the great support of all the meteorological observatories and stations country-wide. “Sand-dust Weather Almanac 2018” covers the annual general situation and meteorological background of sand-dust weather,annual and monthly temporal and spatial distribution charts of different types of sand-dust weather,as well as some charts and tables of main sand-dust weather cases in 2018.
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