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济南统计年鉴 2021年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:136M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2021-12-08 数据来源:济南市统计局;国家统计局济南调查队 关注人气:
一、《济南统计年鉴—2021》是一部全面反映济南市国民经济和社会发展情况的资料性统计年刊。本书收录了济南市及所辖县、区2020年经济和社会发展各方面大量的统计数据,以及历史重要年份的主要统计数据,是认识和研究济南市情、经济和社会发展,制定宏观政策、指导工作的重要工具书。 二、本年鉴以丰富、翔实的统计资料为主,辅以直观的统计图、特载,全面反映了济南市国民经济和社会发展状况。全书统计资料共分为二十二个部分,即:1.行政区划;2.人口;3.综合;4.国民经济核算;5.劳动就业;6.固定资产投资;7.城市公用事业和环境保护;8.财政和金融保险;9.物价;10.人民生活;11.农业;12.工业;13.建筑业;14.运输与邮电;15.国内贸易;16.对外贸易与国际旅游;17.科技;18.教育与文化;19.体育卫生;20.民政司法和其他;特载和附录。各篇末附有《主要统计指标解释》,对主要统计指标的含义、统计范围、统计方法以及历史变动情况作了简要说明。 三、本年鉴中使用的度量衡均采用国际统一标准计量单位,统计口径除特别注明外,均包括济南市区、平阴县、商河县。资料取自济南市统计局、国家统计局济南调查队及有关部门的统计报表。 四、本年鉴中部分数据合计数或相对数由于计量单位取舍不同而产生的计算误差,均未做机械调整。 五、本年鉴表中的符号使用说明: “空格”表示该项统计指标数据不足本表最小单位数、数据不详或无该项数据; “-”表示无此项事实; “#”表示其中的主要项; “”或“①”表示本表下有注解。 《济南统计年鉴》自出版以来,受到了社会各界的关心和支持,对此我们深表感谢。同时,欢迎使用《济南统计年鉴-2021》,敬请广大读者提出宝贵意见。帮助我们进一步提高统计年鉴编辑工作,更好的为社会各界服务,谢谢!(网址:http://jntj.jinan.gov.cn/) Ⅰ.Jinan Statistical Yearbook 2021 is a statistical reference book published yearly that comprehensively reflects the development of Jinan's national economy and society.With a vast amount of statistical data on various aspects of economic and social development in Jinan and the counties and districts under its jurisdiction in 2020,as well as the main statistical data of important historical years,the yearbook is an important reference book for people to understand and study Jinan and its economic and social development,for government to formulate macro policies and guidance work. Ⅱ.The yearbook is centered on rich and detailed statistical data with intuitive statistical charts and special articles added,comprehensively reflecting Jinan's economic and social development.Statistical data of the yearbook contains 22 parts,namely:1.Division of Administrative Areas;2.Population;3.General Survey;4.National Accounts;5.Labor and Employment;6.Investment in Fixed Assets;7.Urban Public Utilities and Environmental Protection;8.Government Finance and Financial Insurance;9.Prices;10.People's Livelihood;11.Agriculture;12.Industry;13.Construction;14.Transportation,Post and Telecommunications;15.Domestic Trade;16.Foreign trade and International Tourism;17.Science and Technology;18.Education and Culture;19.Sports and Public Health;20.Social Welfare Civil Administration and Justice;Special Published and Appendices.We edit Exploratory Notes on Main statistical Indicators at the end of every article,briefly explaining the meaning,statistical scope,methods and historical changes of the main statistical indicators. Ⅲ.The units of measurement used in this yearbook are internationally unified and standard measurement units.The statistical caliber includes Jinan City,Pingyin County and Shanghe County unless otherwise noted.The data in this yearbook are from the statistical reports of Jinan Municipal Bureau of Statistics,Jinan Investigation Team of National Bureau of Statistics and relevant departments. Ⅳ.The statistical discrepancies caused by the unit of measurement in the total or relative numbers of some data in this yearbook are not adjusted. Ⅴ.Notations used in this yearbook: “Blank Space” indicates that the statistical index data is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in this table,or data are unknown or not available; “-”means that there is no such fact; “#” indicates the main item; “*” or“①” means there are annotations in this table. Since its publication,Jinan Statistical Yearbook has received the concern and support of all sectors of society,for which we are deeply grateful.At the same time,welcome to use Jinan Statistical Yearbook 2021 and offer valuable suggestions,so as to help us further improve the editing of statistical yearbooks and better serve all sectors of society,thank you!(Website:http://jntj.jinan.gov.cn/)
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