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北京教育年鉴 2020年 PDF版

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一、《北京教育年鉴》是一部大型专业性资料工具书。在中共北京市委教育工委、北京市教委领导下,由北京教育志编纂委员会办公室(北京教育年鉴编辑部)主持编纂。本年鉴始终坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,遵循实事求是的原则,科学、客观地反映北京教育事业发展的实际情况。 二、本年鉴以文章和条目为基本体裁,条目为主,使用规范的语体文、记述体,直陈其事,文字力求言简意赅。文前配有彩色图片,文内配有彩色随文图片,文后附有主题词索引、单位名称索引、人名索引和随文图片索引。 三、本年鉴从1997年开始逐年编纂。当年出版的年鉴,记述上一年内北京教育事业各个方面发生的新情况,为领导决策提供依据,为教育规划发展提供资料,为国内外各方面人士了解、研究北京教育事业提供最新的信息。自2017年起,本年鉴以正式出版的年鉴版本、《北京教育年鉴简本》和《北京教育年鉴》网络版(njzypt.jyzh.cn)三个版本呈现,各有侧重。 四、本年鉴除记述北京市属教育部门情况外,对北京行政区划内中央部委所属各级各类教育单位的情况也作全面记述,力求反映北京教育事业全貌。 五、2020卷年鉴按教育管理、教育教学、教育服务支撑三大系统布局结构,采用分类编纂法,设北京教育总述、年度关注、大事记、首都教育系统庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年、学前教育、基础教育、普通高等教育、职业与继续教育、民办教育、德育体育美育劳育、党的工作、综合管理、教育督导、科学研究、师资建设、学生管理、招生与考试、交流与合作、京津冀教育协同发展、各区教育、市教委直属单位、社会团体、人物、文献、调研报告、统计表、附录27个类目。 六、2020卷年鉴新增“首都教育系统庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年”专栏,全面记述首都教育系统全方位、多层次参与庆典活动,以及全天候、多领域做好服务保障的情况。 七、本年鉴附录部分通过图表记述北京行政区划内教育事业发展基本情况,便于读者查询相关信息。 八、本年鉴收录单位在收录时限内更名的,以原名称为正名,新名称用括号附在正名后。由于版面限制,年鉴中出现的国务院和北京市行政机构原则上使用规范简称,彩色插页和随文图片的说明使用各单位的规范简称,具体见附录“部分单位全称简称对照表”。 九、本年鉴收录北京各级教育行政部门主要负责人名录,所列均以2019年内任职为限,其中任免情况分别予以注明。 十、本年鉴收录的文章、条目和图片均由各级教育行政部门和各级各类教育单位专人提供,并经部门和单位主要负责人审核。北京市教育事业统计资料由北京市教委发展规划处提供。 十一、本年鉴记述货币名称中,人民币直书“元”,其他货币采用通用名称。 十二、本年鉴涉及各项年度数据以2019年12月31日为统计口径,其他非年度数据以统计部门或业务主管部门的统计口径为准。 十三、本年鉴反映2019年1月1日至12月31日期间情况(部分内容依据实际情况时限向前略有延伸)。 1.Beijing Education Yearbook is a large scale specialized reference book.It is compiled by Compilation Committee of Beijing Education Yearbook(Beijing Education Yearbook Editorial Office) under the guidance of Education Commission of Beijing Municipal Committee of CPC and Beijing Municipal Education Committee.It always guided by Marxism-Leninism,Mao Zedong Thought,Deng Xiaoping Theory,the important thought of Three Represents,the Scientific Outlook on Development and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,also follows the principle of seeking truth from facts to reflect the actual situations scientifically and objectively. 2.With articles and entries as the basic literature type,this yearbook is mainly consists of entries.It uses narratives to present straightly and make efforts to be concise and comprehensive.There are pictures in color before and in the articles.The indexes of key words,units and names are at the back of the articles. 3.This Yearbook has been published annually since 1997.Each yearbook records previous year's new development of Beijing education system,which offers both references for decision making and information for educational planning and development.In addition,it also helps people from both home and abroad to understand and do research on Beijing education.Since 2017,this yearbook has been presented in three versions,the officially published yearbook version,the Brief Edition of the Beijing Education Yearbook and the online edition of the Beijing Education Yearbook(njzypt.jyzh.cn),the contents of them are emphasized differently. 4.This Yearbook embodies the panorama of Beijing education situation,including not only those educational departments directly under Beijing Municipal,but also all kinds of educational units at all levels under the ministries and commissions in the administrative divisions of Beijing. 5.The 2020 Education Yearbook was compiled by categories,which has three major sections including Education Management,Teaching and Education Service.This yearbook contains 27 categories,chronologically including Generality of Beijing Education,Annual Concern,Major Event Records,The Capital Education System Celebrate The 70th Anniversary of The Founding of The People' Republic of CHINA,Preschool Education,Elementary Education,Higher education,Vocational Education and Further Education,Non-State Education,Moral Physical Aesthetic and Labour Education,Party Work,Integrated Management,Education Supervision,Scientific Research,Teachers Construction,Students Management,Enrolling and Testing,Communication and Cooperation,Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Education Coordinated Development,Districts Education,Units Directly Subordinate To Beijing Municipal Education,Social Groups,Personage,Documents,Research Report,Statistical List,Appendix. 6.The 2020 Education Yearbook added The Capital Education System Celebrates The 70th Anniversary of The Founding of The People' Republic of CHINA category.The new category comprehensively describes the all-round and multi-level participation of The Capital Education System in the celebration activities,as well as the all-weather and multi-field service guarantee work. 7.For the readers' convenience,the appendix section uses charts to indicate the basic education development of different districts in Beijing. 8.In this Yearbook,those working units which have changed their names during the editing period would still be referred to as their primitive names with the new names in the following brackets.Due to layout limitations,abbreviations are used in referring to Party and government institutions in the yearbook.Abbreviations are used in referring to the name of the Institutions in captions of the colour images.Details could be found in the Appendix Full name & Abbreviation table of some institutions. 9.This Yearbook contains a namelist of chief leaders of Beijing Educational Administrative sections at various levels,all of whom held office in 2019 and the appointment and dismissal are noted separately. 10.All the articles,entries and pictures in this yearbook are provided by specialized staff from all types of educational administrative sections and examined carefully by their chief managers.The Statistical Material of Beijing Education is provided by Development Planning Department of Beijing Municipal Education Committee. 11.In terms of the currency in this yearbook,RMB is referred to as Yuan and the common names are used in referring to other currencies. 12.Every annual statistic involved in this yearbook takes the statistical criteria of December 31th,2019,other non-annual statistics are taken from statistical or operating departments. 13.This Yearbook describes educational events between January 1st 2019 and December 31th 2019.Some of its contents may dated back a minor deal according to its practical circumstances.
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