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温州统计年鉴 2019年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:102M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2020-02-11 数据来源:温州市统计局;国家统计局温州调查队 关注人气:
一、《温州统计年鉴—2019》是一部全面反映温州市国民经济和社会发展情况的资料性年刊。本书收录内容为:全市2018年经济和社会各方面的详细统计数据,重要历史年份和近年主要统计数据,各县(市、区)主要指标数据。本年鉴将历年主要数据分别列入各篇章中,集中反映新中国成立以来特别是改革开放以来的发展情况。 二、本年鉴内容分12篇:1.综合;2.人口和从业人员;3.农业;4.工业和能源;5.固定资产投资和建筑业;6.国内贸易、服务业和对外经济;7.交通运输和邮电通信业;8.财政、金融和保险;9.社会;10.价格;11.人民生活;12.附录。附录部分收录了全国、全省及省内各市主要统计资料,同时还保留了第五、第六次人口普查、第一次、第二次和第三次经济普查和第三次农业普查的主要数据。各篇末附有“主要统计指标解释”。 三、本年鉴统计资料范围按国土原则统计。市区数据2015年以前为包括市直属部门和鹿城、龙湾、瓯海三区的数据,2015年起为市直属部门和鹿城、龙湾、瓯海和洞头四区的数据。龙湾区数据包括温州经济技术开发区数据;市直属部门资料统计在市区范围内,或按在地统计原则划归相关县(市、区)。1949年以来历史资料,全市数据按现行政区划整理,县级按原行政区划整理;1980年苍南县从平阳县分置前,苍南县数据包括在平阳县统计资料内。苍南县、鹿城、龙湾、瓯海三区分别从置县(区)时整理历史数据。2009年起鹿城区部分统计资料包括市直属单位部门数据。 四、本年鉴资料来自政府统计部门和其他部门的年度统计资料整理汇编,规模(限额)以下工业、贸易业、服务业、物价和城乡居民收支等数据根据抽样调查数据整理汇编。 五、第一次、第二次和第三次经济普查后,按规定调整1992年至2013年生产总值及二三产业增加值,并相应调整各年份的发展速度,在使用上述数据时,均以本年鉴为准。 六、本年鉴统计资料的统计标准,按当时国家统计制度执行,有关指标的涵义、口径、范围、计算方法等,在不同时期可能有所不同,使用时请注意。近几年来,统计指标口径变化主要为: 1.国民经济行业分类按2017年GB/T4754-2017标准执行,企业规模划分2003年开始也按国家新标准执行; 2.工业统计中,“规模以上工业”2010年之前指年销售收入500万元以上的工业企业,但2006年之前包括全部国有企业;2011年之后指年主营业务收入2000万以上工业企业。 3.贸易业统计中,“限额以上企业”指批发业年主营业务收入2000万元以上、零售业年主营业务收入500万元以上、住宿业和餐饮业年主营业务收入200万元以上的企业; 4.固定资产投资统计中,“限额以上单位”指计划总投资500万元及以上的建设项目和全部房地产开发企业; 5.农林牧渔业产值中农业项下的1980年起增列了“农民家庭兼营工业”产值,2002年起划归为工业产值;2003年起包括了农林牧渔服务业产值。 七、本年鉴所使用的度量衡单位均采用国际统一标准计量单位,并统一使用最新颁布实施的行业分类及产品目录。 八、本年鉴统计资料的价值量指标,如生产总值、工业、农林牧渔业总产值等指标,除特别注明的外,均按当年现行价格计算,发展(增长)指数按可比价格计算。 九、本年鉴个别数据与以前年鉴不一致时,则以本年鉴公布的数据为准。本年鉴几种符号的表示方法:“#”表示其中数;“空格”表示此数为零或数据不详,或为免报的数据。 Ⅰ.statistical yearbook 2019 of WenZhou is an informative yearbook,reflects various aspects of WENZHOU's economic and social development.The contents of this book including:the detailed statistical data of various aspect of WENZHOU's economy and society in 2018,main statistical data of some important years of history and recent years,the main index data of each county(city,district).This yearbook lists main data of years in each chapters respectively,which reflect the development situation since the founding of New China,especially since the reforming and opening up. Ⅱ.This yearbook is divided into 12 chapters:1.synthesis;2.Population and Practitioners;3.agriculture 4.industry and energy;5.fixed investments and construction industry;6.Domestic Trade,Service Industry and Foreign Economic Relations 7.communication and transportation,posts and telecommunications;8.finance and insurance;9.society;10.prices;11.people's livelihood;12.appendix.The appendix included main statistical data of nation,provice and each city in the provice,and also retained main data of the fifth and sixth population census,the first,the second and the third economic census and the third agriculture census.There is "explanation of main statistical index" attached in the end of each chapter. Ⅲ.The statistical data scope of this yearbook is according to the principle of land.The data of urban before 2015 included data of departments directly under the municipal Level and data of Lucheng,Longwan and Ouhai district.The data of urban after 2015 included data of department directly under the municipal Level and data of Lucheng,Longwan Ouhai and Dongtou district.The data of LongWan district included the date of Wenzhou economic and technological development zone.The data statistics of departments directly under the municipal is within the the city limits,or be put into related counties(municipals,districts) according to the principle of land.The historical data and overall city data has been organized according to the present administrative divisions,and county level date has been organized according to the original administrative divisions since 1949.The data of Cangnan county before its division from Pingyang county was included in the data of Pingyang county.The historical data of Cangnan county,LuCheng district,Longwan district,and OuHai district was organized when they set up.Some statistical data of LuCheng district included the data of departments directly under the municipal since 2009. Ⅳ.The data of this year book came from the compilation of annual statistical data of government statistics department and other departments.The data of industry,trade,service,price of commodities,and income of urban and rural residents above designated size was compiled according to the sampling survey data. Ⅴ.After the first,the second and the third population census,the total output value from 1992 to 2013,and the added value of secondary and tertiary industry were adjusted,and the speed of development was also adjusted,when using the above data,please subject to this yearbook. Ⅵ.The statistical standards of this yearbook was carried out according to the national statistical system,the meaning,caliber,scope and computing method of related index maybe different in different period,please be careful when using.The below are the main change of statistical indicators caliber in recent years: 1.The national economy industry was classifiedaccording to the GB/T4754-2017 standard of 2017,theenterprise scale was also divided according to the nationalnew standard since 2003. 2.In industrial statistics,before 2010,the "Industry above Designated Size" referred to industrial enterprises whose annual sales was more than 5,000,000,but before 2006,it referred to all state-owned enterprise;and after 2011,it referred to industrial enterprises whose annual sales was more than 20,000,000. 3.In trade statistics,"enterprises above Designated Size" referred to the wholesaling enterprises whose annual main business income is more than 20,000,000,and retail enterprises whose annual main business income is more than 5,000,000,lodging and catering enterprises whose annual main business income is more than 2,000,000. 4.In fixed investment statistics,the "unit above designated size" referred to all real estate development enterprise and construction project whose total investment is more than 5,000,000. 5.The output value of "The rural households industry" was added into the Output value of agriculture,forestry and animal husbandry in 1980,and then has been put under the value of industrial output in 2002.In 2003,the value of industrial output also included the Output value of agriculture,forestry and animal husbandry. Ⅶ.The units of measurement used in this yearbook adopts internationally standard measurement units,and the latest industry classification and product catalog also was also used united. Ⅷ.Value indexes of statistical data in this yearbook,such as total output value,total industrial output value,and Output Value of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry,and Fishery were calculated at current prices,development(growth) index can be calculated at comparable price. Ⅸ,Please subject to this yearbook if there are any data difference between this yearbook and the yearbook in last year.Here are some representation method of symbols in this yearbook:“#”refers to data among which;"spacing" refers to this data is empty or unknown or free reported.
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