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国际统计年鉴 2019年 PDF版+光盘版(含EXCEL)

文件版本:EXCEL可复制 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:77M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2020-04-11 数据来源:国家统计局 关注人气:
一、《国际统计年鉴-2019》是一部综合性的国际经济社会统计资料年刊,收录了世界200多个国家和地区的统计数据,并对其中40多个主要国家和地区的经济社会发展指标及国际组织发布的主要综合评价指标进行了更为详细的收集。 二、本年鉴包括17个部分:1.中国在世界的地位;2.自然资源和环境;3.国民经济核算;4.人口;5.就业人员和劳动报酬;6.投资环境;7.能源;8.财政和金融;9.价格指数;10.居民收支和贫困;11.农业;12.工业和建筑业;13.运输和通讯;14.对外贸易和旅游;15.国际收支和外债;16.教育、科技、文化和卫生;17.经济社会综合评价指标。 三、国外的大部分数据经过联合国等国际组织的调整,口径基本可比。 四、许多国家的最新数据是初步数或预计数。 五、中国数据除国土面积外,均未包括中国台湾地区、香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区。 六、数据取自有关国际组织的数据库、光盘、年报、月报。每张表前均附有资料来源。 七、个别数据的合计项或相对数,因受进位的影响,不一定等于分项累计数。 八、本年鉴所跨年度内,一些国家的名称和疆域有所改变,除非特别注明,本年鉴中所列国家均为现国家名称及其疆域范围。 九、本年鉴中使用的符号含义如下:“…”表示数据不够本表最小单位数;“空格”表示无该项数据或该项统计数据不详;“#”表示其中的主要项;“|”表示因统计口径调整,前后数据不可比。 Ⅰ.International Statistical Yearbook 2019 is an annual comprehensive reference publication on international economic and social statistics.It contains data from as much as 200 countries,regions and territories over the world.More detailed information on the economic and social development of over 40 countries and main comprehensive evaluation indexes of international organizations are also included in the Yearbook. Ⅱ.The Yearbook contains the following 17 chapters:China in the World;Geography,Natural Resources and Environment;National Accounts;Population;Employment and Earnings;Investment Environment;Energy;Government Finance and Banking;Price Indices;Household Income and Expenditure and Poverty;Agriculture;Industry and Construction;Transportation and Communication;External Trade and Tourism;Balance of Payments and External Debts;Education,Science and Technology,Culture and Health;Comprehensive Evaluation Indicators. Ⅲ.Data for most of the foreign countries or territories have been adjusted by international organizations such as the United Nations,and the scope and coverage is therefore comparable. Ⅳ.The latest data for many countries are preliminary or estimated statistics. Ⅴ.All data of China do not cover Taiwan Province,Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR except data for the surface area. Ⅵ.The data are from the databases,CD-ROMs,yearbooks and monthly publications of international organizations.The sources of data are given at the top of each table in the Yearbook. Ⅶ.Several aggregations or rates may not add up to the sum of the series because of rounding. Ⅷ.Unless otherwise indicated,the countries included in the Yearbook are the countries under their present names with the present territories,although the names or the boundaries may have changed during the period covered by the Yearbook. Ⅸ.The meanings of the symbols used in the Yearbook are as following, "…"indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table; "(blank)" indicates that data are not available; "#"indicates the major items of the total; "|"indicates that the data to the left are not comparable with those to the right because of the adjustment of scope and coverage.
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