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天津调查年鉴 2019年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:58M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2019-12-14 数据来源:国家统计局天津调查总队;天津市统计局 关注人气:
一、《天津调查年鉴》是一部反映天津城乡居民生活、居民消费价格、工业生产者价格、房地产价格、固定资产投资价格、农村与农业发展情况的统计资料工具书,创刊于2006年,逐年出版。本书以翔实的抽样调查资料与统计资料向社会各界展现天津经济与民计民生发展状况,成为社会各界了解天津、认识天津和分析研究天津经济和社会发展的权威性资料工具书。 二、《天津调查年鉴2019》载有综合篇、人民生活篇、价格及价格指数篇、农业篇四个篇目。为方便读者使用,在书中每篇后注明统计指标解释。 三、本年鉴数据资料所使用的计量单位,除部分面积单位使用亩或万亩外,其他均为国际统一标准计量单位。 四、本年鉴统计图表中,“#”表示其中的主要项,“空格”表示统计指标无数据,“…”表示数据不足本表最小计量单位数。 五、由于与不同年份有关专业的普查结果相衔接,以及国家统计制度变化等原因,年鉴中部分指标的历史年度数据会有变动。读者在使用历史资料时,几以前的年鉴与本年鉴数据有出入的,均以本年鉴为准。 六、感谢广大读者对《天津调查年鉴》编辑出版工作的支持和帮助,欢迎继续提出宝贵意见,使《天津调查年鉴》的形式和内容更趋完善。 Ⅰ.Tianjin Survey Yearbook is a statistics publication,which reflects various aspects of thelivelihood of urban and rural Tianjin residents,consumer prices,industrial producer prices,realestate price,fixed-asset investment prices,purchasing managers' index,rural and agriculturaldevelopment.It was created in 2006 and published annually ever since.Possessing plentiful anddetailed Sampling survey and statistical materials to reflect various aspects of Tianjin's economicand the development of people's livelihood,the yearbook has become the most authoritativestatistics publication for various circles to get to know Tianjin and to analyze Tianjin's economicand social development. Ⅱ.There are four chapters in Tianjin Survey Yearbook 2019 including General Survey,People's Living Conditions,Price and Price Indices,Agriculture.To facilitate and ensurecomprehension,there are explanatory notes attached after each chapter. Ⅲ.The units of measurement used in this yearbook are internationally standard measurementunits except for partial area units which used mu or million mus. Ⅳ.In the charts of this yearbook:"#" indicates a major breakdown of the total;(blank space)indicates the data is not available;and "..." indicates the figure is not large enough to be measuredwith the smallest unit in the table Ⅴ.Some data in this yearbook is different from former yearbook for the reason of keepingconsistent with data of census as well as changes of national statistics system.The data of thisyearbook should be considered as authoritative. Ⅵ.The readers' support and help during the editing and publishing work of Tianjin SurveyYearbook is very much appreciated.And we hope for your valuable suggestions to make the formand content of Tianjin Survey Yearbook more perfect.
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