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中国低碳年鉴 2017年 PDF版

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应对气候变化事关中华民族和全人类的长远利益,走低碳发展之路是积极应对气候变化的迫切要求,也是体现以人为本、全面协调可持续的发展导向、建设创新型国家的客观要求。 树立绿色发展理念,大力发展以低碳排放、循环利用为内涵的绿色经济,逐步建立以低碳排放为特征的工业、建筑、交通体系和低碳社会生活,积极探索具有中国特色的低碳发展道路,有效控制温室气体排放,为推进中国和世界可持续发展作出积极贡献,已成为中国的一项基本国策,并已纳入了国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划纲要。 为全面记载我国应对气候变化和低碳发展的历程和实际状况,加快走低碳发展之路的步伐,特编辑出版《中国低碳年鉴》,并得到了从中央到地方、国家各重点行业及其协会、低碳试点与实践单位的各方面的高度关注和坚决支持,全国人大、国务院各有关部委和部门,各省市区发改委、专家学者应邀担当顾问、编委,积极撰写和提供文稿、资料、图片,并提出了许多指导意见,给了我们努力做好《中国低碳年鉴》的编辑出版工作以巨大鼓舞和鞭策。 一、《中国低碳年鉴2017》基本内容为2016年中国应对气候变化和低碳发展状况、重要信息数据、基本经验和主要成效。为增强《年鉴》的时效性和适用性,适当收录了2017年我国应对气候变化和低碳发展的部分政策文件和内容。 二、《中国低碳年鉴2017》在编辑出版全过程中,坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,全面贯彻落实习近平总书记关于绿色发展理念和建设生态文明的重要思想。在体例上,采用文章、条目、报表和图片相结合。 三、《中国低碳年鉴2017》具有一些明显的特点。强化了综合分析力度,收入了国家发展和改革委发布的《中国应对气候变化政策与行动年度报告》,约请国务院有关部委(局)、重点行业和领域、省区市撰写了应对气候变化和低碳发展报告或专题发展报告,大大丰富了《年鉴》内容,增强了《年鉴》的可读性、使用价值与历史价值。载入的事件、信息、数据、资料、图片等都来自官方和公开出版物,具有权威性、真实性,历史价值和保存、使用、查考价值都较高;涵盖内容全面、广泛、系统,从中央到地方、企业、园区、行业、领域,涉及言论、重大活动和事件、法规、政策、科技、典型案例以及国外概况,多层次、全方位,涵盖低碳发展的各个方面,全书达140多万字,内容丰富、详实、完备,为前所少见;图文并茂,具有较强的可视性、生动性和可读性。 四、诚挚感谢全国人大、全国政协、国务院各有关部委(局)、省市区发改委、国家各重点行业协会、低碳试点与实践单位、专家学者等在《中国低碳年鉴》的编辑出版中给予的支持。 五、《中国低碳年鉴》编辑部设在北京现代循环经济研究院。 六、由于我们缺乏经验,水平有限,对于书中存在的疏漏乃至错误,敬请不吝指正。 Climate change relates to the long-term interests of Chinese nation and all mankind,so taking the low-carbondevelopment way is an urgent demand to actively respond to climate change,an embodying in the direction of People First,Overall Coordination and Sustainable Development,and also the inherent and objective requirement of building an innovativecountry as well. It has already became a China's basic state policy and incorporated into Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economicand Social Development of People's Republic of China to establish green low-carbon development concept,to stronglydevelop green economy with the connotation of low-carbon emissions and recycling usage,and to radually set up the industry,construction and transportation systems with low-carbon emission and low-carbon social life,and to actively explore thelow-carbon development road with Chinese characteristics,and to effectively control greenhouse gas emissions,as wellas to positively contribute to promoting sustainable development of both China and the world. For the purpose of comprehensively recording the course and actual situation of Chinese low-carbon development,and speeding up the low-carbon development,China Low-Carbon Yearbook was specially published. Great attention and firm support were given from all involved parties such as from the central to locals,eachnational key industry and its association,and the low-carbon pilot and practice units.The consultants and editors wereinvited from the relevant ministries and commissions(bureaus) of National People's Congress and the State Council,andthe provincial and municipal National Development and Reform Commission,and relevant experts and scholars.All ofthem positively wrote and provided manuscripts,the information and pictures,and gave many guidance suggestions.Allmentioned above encouraged and spur us to make great efforts to edit China Low-Carbon Yearbook 2015 well. China Low-Carbon Yearbook 2017 basic content focuses on China low-carbon development status and actions in dealingwith climate change,important information/data,experience and major a chievement in 2016.To improve the timeliness ofChina Low-Carbon Yearbook,we collected important policy documents and related contents referring to China's actions indealing with climate change and low carbon development in 2017. The Deng Xiaoping Theory and Three Representative Important Thought were adhered to and followed,andScientific Development Outlook was applied and implemented during editing of China Low-Carbon Yearbook 2016,whichcombined articles,items,statements and pictures in style,Fully implement the spirit of a series of speeches about greengrowth concept and the construction of ecological civilization by Xi Jinping. China Low-Carbon Yearbook 2017 has some obvious features as follow:Efforts to strengthen the comprehensiveanalysis of income of the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "China's National Climate ChangePolicy and Action Annual Report",invite the relevant ministries and commissions of the State Council,key industries andareas,provinces,experts authored papers and other climate change and low carbon development and thematic developmentreport,which greatly enriched the "Yearbook" content,and enhance the "Yearbook" readability,use value and historicalvalue.The incidents,information,data,materials,pictures and etc.recorded are all from the official and open publicationswith authority and authenticity,which have high historical value,and high storage,usage and reference values;contentscovered are more comprehensive,broad and systematic,from the central to locals,so as enterprises,parks,each industryand field,speech and views,major activities and events,regulations,policies,science and technology,and typical cases andforeign profiles,involving each aspect of low-carbon development at multi-level and all-dimension.The book with more than2 million characters is rear before owing to its large scale and rich,accurate and complete content;excellent pictures andtexts,with strong visibility,vitality and readability. China Low-Carbon Yearbook is supported by grants project of China Clean Development Mechanism Fund. Sincerely thanks to the related ministries and commissions(bureaus) of National People's Congress and the State Council,every provinces and cities,the national key industries and their associations,low-carbon pilot and practice units,expertsand scholars etc.for their supports in the editing and publishing of China Low-Carbon Yearbook 2016. We are of inexperience and of limited level,for the omissions and errors existing in the book,please point out withoutstint.
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