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中国林业(英文版) 1949-1998年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:134M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2018-05-11 数据来源:中华人民共和国国家林业局 关注人气:
1 .The English edition of China's Forestry is a comprehensive reference to reflect the development of forestry in socialist China with its own characteristics. We aim to facilitate the opening-up of China's forestry, promote exchange with other countries, and assist the understanding of forestry in China. At the same time, we intend to make it easy for foreign investors to invest funding, technology and intellect so that it will benefit the progress and development of forestry in China and bri电e the gap between this country and developed countries. 2. In order to satisfy international readers, this English Edition attempts to provide the following materials: ● A comprehensive, systematic and precise description of the achievements and characteristics of China's development and protection of forest resources; ● The laws, regulations, principles and policies of the Chinese Government in promoting the development of forestry; ● Basic statistics of forestry; ● Major forestry programs; ● Forest industry and cultivation; ● Forestry education and scientific research; ● Opening to the outside world, including foreign investment, introduction of advanced technology, and international exchange. 3. This volume covers the period between 1949 and 1998. ● The statistics cover 1949~1997. ● The articles mainly focus on materials beginning in 1978, when China began its reform and opening-up, and ending in 1996. ● The establishment of the State Forestry Administration (SFA) and the Forest Law of the People's Republic of China is as of 1998. 4. This English edition is translated from the Chinese edition. The names of animals and plants are normally given in English fast and then followed by their Latin names (italicized), e.g, dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptastroboides), giant panda {Ailuropoda melanoleuca). When an English name is not available, the Latin name is used instead. ● The translation of place names follows the Pinyin system, as stipulated by the Chinese Government. ● The translation of organizations and agencies follows the English names they actually use in international communication, e.g. China Forestry Publishing House. ● When such an organization or agency appears for the first time in the book, its whole name is always given first before any initials are used. 5. The measurement system has all been changed to the metrical system. However, sometimes it would be awkward if such change were made. For example, "one million mss" would be 66 666.67 hm2, and would not be meaningful. Tn such cases, we have retained the Chinese system with a note given in brackets indicating its metrical equivalent. 6. The frequently used shorthand terms include: ● P.R.C.: The People's Republic of China ● CPC: The Communist Party of China The founding of the P.R.C. was in 1949.
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