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吉林统计年鉴 2017年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:118M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2018-08-21 数据来源:吉林省统计局;国家统计局吉林调查总队 关注人气:
一、《吉林统计年鉴—2017》(中英文对照)是一部全面反映吉林省经济和社会发展情况的资料性年刊。本书收录了全省、各市(州)和县(市)2016年经济和社会各方面大量的统计数据。 二、全书内容分为19个部分,即1.综合;2.国民经济核算;3.人口;4.从业人员和职工工资;5.固定资产投资;6.对外经济贸易和旅游业;7.能源生产和消费;8.财政、金融和保险;9.价格指数;10.人民生活;11.市政公用事业和环境保护;12.农业;13.工业;14.建筑业;15.交通运输和邮电通信业;16.批发零售贸易和餐饮业;17.教育、科技和文化事业;18.体育、卫生和其他事业;19.市(州)和县(市)概况。附录:1.企业“一套表”;2.主要统计指标解释。 三、资料中所使用的度量衡单位均采用国际统一标准计量单位。 四、本年鉴中部分数据合计数或相对数由于单位取舍不同而产生计算误差,均未作机械调整。 五、为与已出版的《中国统计年鉴-2017》中的分省数据保持一致,吉林省统计局对本年鉴中所使用的2016年度全省及各市(州)、县(市)地区生产总值(GDP)数据进行了调整。 六、本年鉴中的符号使用说明:“空格”表示该项指标数据不详或无该项数据;“#”表示其中的主要项。 七、本书的编辑出版,得到省直有关部门的大力支持,我们对此表示诚挚的谢意! Ⅰ.Jilin statistical yearbook 2017 is annual statistics publication,which cover very comprehensive data series for 2016 and some selected data series for historically important years in whole province,cities(pretecture) and counties and therefore,reflects various aspects of social and economic development. Ⅱ.The Contentis Divided into 19 parts,i.e.l.Synthesis;2.National Economic Accounting;3.Population;4.Employment and Wage;5.Investment in Fixed Assets;6.Foreign Economy Trade and Tourism;7.Production and Consumption of Energy.8.Public Finance,Banking and Insurance;9.Price Indices;10.People's Livelihood;11.Urban public utilities and Environment;12.Agriculture;13.Industry;14.Construction;15.Transportation Postal and Telecommunications Services;16.Wholesale,Retail trade and Catering services;17.Education,Technology and Culture;18.Sports,Public Health and others;19.General survey of city(State) and county(City).In the appendices listed:1.The Companies "A Table";2.Expla natory notes on Main statistical indicators. Ⅲ.The units of measurement used in this book are internationally standard measurement units. Ⅳ.In year-book some data total numbers or relative number because of units choosen differential Causing generating calculation error,no mechanical adjust. Ⅴ.Jilin Statistical Bureau adjusted the data of GDP of whole province and by region in this yearbook in accordance with China Statistical Yearbook 2017 which has already been published. Ⅵ.Explanatory notes for notations used in this book:"blank" indicated that the index data not available or no dale."#"of which:major item. Ⅶ.The publication and editor of yearbook got strong support of the department of province,total cities,prefectures,counties(district) government and some enterprises and related institutions,We make sincerely appreciation! Editorial department of 《Jilin Statistical Yearbook》 November 15,2017
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