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江西统计年鉴 2017年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:105M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2018-01-27 数据来源:江西省统计局;国家统计局江西调查总队 关注人气:
一、《江西统计年鉴-2017》系统收录了全省和11个设区市2016年经济、社会各方面的统计数据,改革开放以来和其他历史重要年份的全省主要统计数据,以及全国各省市部分主要指标数据。是一部全面反映江西省经济和社会发展情况的资料性年刊。 二、本年鉴正文内容分为21个篇章,即:综合,人口,就业人员和职工工资,固定资产投资,对外经济贸易,能源,财政,价格指数,人民生活,城市建设,林业建设和生态环境,农业,工业,建筑业,交通运输、邮电通讯业,国内贸易和旅游,金融业,房地产开发,科技、教育、文化,卫生、体育、社会福利及其他,各省、市、自治区主要经济指标及2016年江西统计调查工作大事记。为方便读者使用,各篇章前设有《简要说明》,对本篇章的主要内容、资料来源、统计范围、统计方法等予以简要概述,篇末附有《主要统计指标解释》。 三、本《年鉴》对以前发表的统计资料重新予以审核,凡与本《年鉴》资料有出入的,均以本年鉴为准。 四、本年鉴所使用的度量衡单位,均采用国际统一标准计量单位。 五、本年鉴中部分数据合计数或相对数由于单位取舍不同而产生的计算误差,均未作机械调整。 六、符号使用说明:年鉴各表中的“空格”表示该项统计指标数据不足本表最小单位数、数据不详或无该项数据;“#”表示其中的主要项。 Ⅰ.Jiangxi Statistical Yearbook 2017 is an annual statistics publication,which covers very comprehensive data in 2016 and someselected data series in historically important years and the most recent thirty years at level of province and other provinces andmunicipalities.Therefore,reflects various aspects of Jiangxi's social and economic development. Ⅱ.The yearbook contains the following twenty-two chapters,General Survey;Population;Employment and Wages;Investmentin Fixed Assets;Energy;Price Indices;People's Livelihood;General Survey of Cities;Environment Protection;Water Resources andMeterology;Agriculture;Industry;Construction;Transport,Post and Telecommunication Services:Domestic Trade;Foreign Tradeand Economic Cooperation;Tourism;Financial Intermediation;Insurance;Real Estate;Education,Science and Technology;Culture,Sports and Public Health;Social Welfare and Other Social Activities;Main Statistical Indictors on provinces,autonomous regionsand municipalities and Notes of Jiangxi Statistical Events in 2016.For readers' convenience,in Brief Introduction at the beginning ofeach chapter,main coverage of this chapter,data sources,statistical coverage,statistical methods and historical changes areconcerned.In addition,Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators are provided at the end of each chapter. Ⅲ.This Yearbook re-audited statistic data published previously,any data different from this yearbook,take this yearbook's asstandard data. IV.The units of measurement used in this yearbook are internationally standard measurement units. V.Statistical discrepancies due to rounding are not adjusted in the yearbook. VI.Notations used in the yearbook:blank space indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured With the smallestunit in the table,or data are unknown or are not available;"#" indicates a major breakdown of the total.
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