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甘肃发展年鉴 2017年 PDF版

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一、《甘肃发展年鉴》是由甘肃发展年鉴编委会编纂,中国统计出版社出版,国内外公开发行的大型综合性年刊。它以大量翔实可靠的资料,全面记载了甘肃经济社会发展情况,是各级党政领导、经济管理部门、企事业单位、科研部门和中外投资者了解省情、市情、县情,进行科学决策、咨询和研究的重要工具书。 二、本年鉴是创刊以来的第八卷,全部为中英文对照版并配有电子版,主要记载2016年甘肃经济社会发展情况,统计资料在时间上有所上溯。 三、本年鉴共分为两部分:第一部分共设9个篇目,包括特载、概况、国民经济、建设测绘、财政金融、经济管理、社会事业、人民生活、地县及兰州新区概况;第二部分共设23个篇章,包括综合,人口,国民经济核算,就业和工资,价格,人民生活,财政和金融业,资源和环境,能源,固定资产投资,对外经济贸易,农业,工业,建筑业,批发和零售业,住宿、餐饮业和旅游业,运输和邮电,教育和科学技术,卫生、社会服务和社会保障,文化和体育,城市,民族自治地方,兰州新区。为方便读者使用资料,统计资料各篇前附有简要说明,篇末附有主要统计指标解释。 四、本年鉴的体例分为篇目、分目和条目三个层次,以条目为基本结构单元。条目标题均用黑体字加【】。 五、与2016年版《甘肃发展年鉴》相比较,本年年鉴在内容上主要做了如下修订:第一部分中,“地县概况”增加兰州新区内容,改为“地县及兰州新区概况”;删减了部分篇目;将“交通通信邮政”篇目并入“国民经济”篇目。在第二部分中,增加篇章“兰州新区”;“价格”根据统计调查方法制度中零售价格指数和消费价格指数分类的变化,进行相应的调整;在“对外经济贸易”中减少了部分细项指标和表;在“教育和科学技术”中增加了企业创新方面的表;在“卫生、社会服务和社会保障”中增加了安全生产方面的表,同时对民政部分、残疾人事业部分的指标进行了较大幅度的调整。 六、由于统计制度方法改革,有些统计指标的口径、包括范围和计算方法有所变化,使用时请注意。文稿中的数据由各单位提供,部分为初步统计数,如与统计表中不一致,以统计表为准。 七、本年鉴中所使用的度量衡单位均采用国际统一标准计量单位;部分数据合计数或相对数由于单位取舍不同而产生的计算误差,均未做机械调整。 八、符号使用说明:年鉴各表中的“空格”表示该项统计指标数据不足本表最小单位数、数据不详或无该项数据;“#”表示其中的主要项;“”或“①”表示本表下有注解。 本年鉴的编辑出版,得到省直各部门和有关企业事业单位的大力支持,我们对此表示诚挚的谢意! 编者 Ⅰ.Gansu Development Yearbook,edited by the Gansu development yearbook editorial board and published by china statistics press,is a large-scale domestic and international public offering comprehensive annual publication.It records comprehensively Gansu economic and social development situation by the large amount of reliable data,and is an important tool to understand the situation of the province,city,county and conduct a scientific decision-making,consult and research for every level party and government leaders,economic management department,enterprise and public institution,research departments and domestic and foreign investors. Ⅱ.The yearbook is the eighth volume since founded,which is all the in Chinese-English and equipped with electronic version,records mainly Gansu economic and social development situation in 2016,but its statistics materials have traced back in time. Ⅲ.The yearbook contains the following two parts:The first part contains Featured Articles,Survey,National Economy,Construction,Survey & Mapping,Government Finance and Financial,Economy & Management,Social Undertaking,People's Living Conditions,General Situation of Prefectures & Counties and Lanzhou New Area,total 9 chapters.The second part contains total 23 sections and chapters:General Survey;Population;National Accounts;Employment and Wages;Prices;People's Living Conditions;Government Finance and Financial Intermediation;Resources and Environment;Energy;Investment in Fixed Assets;Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation;Agriculture;Industry;Construction;Wholesale and Retail Trades;Hotels,Catering Services and Tourism;Transport,Postal and Telecommunication Services;Education & Science and Technology;Public Health,Social Services and Social Security;Culture and Sports;City;Ethnic Minority Autonomous Area;Lanzhou New Area.For the convenience of using information for the readers,statistics have a brief introduction at the beginning of each part.In addition,explanatory notes on main statistical indicators are provided at the end of each part. Ⅳ.The yearbook style is divided into contents,subhead and entry three levels,and entry as the basic structural unit.The entry titles are in bold and add 【】. Ⅴ.In comparison with Gansu Development Yearbook-2016,following amendments were mainly made in content of this yearbook:In the first part,of the chapter "General Situation of Prefectures and Counties",added the content of Lanzhou New Area,renamed as "General Situation of Prefectures & Counties and Lanzhou New Area";delete part of chapters;of the chapter "Transport,Communication and Post ",incorporated into the chapter of "National Economy".In the second part,added the chapter of "Lanzhou New Area";of the chapter "Prices",according to changes of classification of retail price indices and consumer price indices in statistical survey and report systems,corresponding adjusts are made;of the chapter "Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation",some detailed indicators and tables are deleted;of the chapter "Education & Science and Technology",tables of enterprise innovation related are added;of the chapter "Public Health,Social Services and Social Security",tables of safe production aspects are added,simultaneously,part of the indicators of civil affairs and cause of the disabled,are adjusted significantly. Ⅵ.As the methods of statistical system reform,some of the caliber of statistical indicators,including the scope and computational method change and please note that when used.The presentation data is provided by the units and some are preliminary statistics,if they does not accord with the statistical tables to tables shall prevail. Ⅶ.The units of measurement used in this yearbook are internationally standard measurement units,statistical discrepancies on totals and relative figures due to rounding are not adjusted in the Yearbook. Ⅷ.Notations used in the yearbook:(blank space) indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table,or data are unknown,or are not available;"#" indicates a major breakdown of the total;and "*" or "①" indicates footnotes at the end of the table. The edit and publishing of Yearbook were strongly supported by the departments under the provincial leadership,relevant enterprises and public institutions.We express our sincere thanks! Editor September 2017
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