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福建统计年鉴 2018年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:138M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2018-12-17 数据来源:福建省统计局;国家统计局福建调查总队 关注人气:
一、《福建统计年鉴—2018》,是一部信息高度密集的统计资料书。全书系统收录了2017年福建省全省及各地区、各部门经济和社会发展各方面的统计数据,以及重要年份福建国民经济主要指标的统计数据,是一部全面反映福建经济和社会发展情况的资料性年刊。 二、全书内容分为20个部分:1.综合;2.国民经济核算;3.人口、就业和职工工资;4.固定资产投资;5.对外经济;6.能源;7.人民生活;8.价格指数;9.财政金融;10.农业;11.工业;12.建筑业;13.交通运输和邮电通信业;14.批发零售、住宿餐饮和旅游业;15.科学和教育;16.文化和体育;17.卫生事业;18.公共管理和其他社会活动;19.企业调查;20.市县国民经济主要指标。各篇末均附有《主要统计指标解释》。 三、与《福建统计年鉴—2017》相比较,本年鉴在统计内容和编辑上主要做了如下修订:1.主要年份统一调整为2000,2005,2010,2016,2017等五个年份。2.根据年报制度变化的新情况,某些篇章的统计指标进行了规范和调整。 四、金门县统计资料除另有注明外,暂未列入本年鉴。 五、本年鉴重要统计数据的资料来源、计算口径等均在各篇另有注明。 六、本年鉴使用的度量衡单位均采用国家统一的标准计量单位。 七、本年鉴对过去发布的统计资料重新进行了核实,凡与本年鉴数据有出入的,以本年鉴为准。 八、本年鉴中部分合计数或相对数由于单位取舍不同而产生的计算误差,均不做机械调整。 九、本《年鉴》符号使用说明:“空格”表示没有、未掌握该指标数据或不足小数位的数据;“#”表示其中项。 十、本年鉴产值总量指标按当年价格计算,增长速度和产值指数按可比价格计算。 十一、本年鉴计算增长速度、指数均采用“水平法”。 Ⅰ.Fujian Statistical Yearbook-2018 is an annual statistic publication of comprehensive information with highly density.The yearbook covers very comprehensive data in 2017 and some selected data series in important years of provincial and regional levels and in different departments,reflects various aspects of Fujian social and economic development. Ⅱ.The yearbook contains twenty chapters:1.General Survey;2.National Economy Accounting;3.Population,Employment and Wages;4.Investment in Fixed Assets;5.Foreign Trade;6.Energy;7.People's Living Conditions;8.Price Indices;9.Finance;10.Agriculture;11.Industry;12.Construction;13.Transportation,Postal and Telecommunication Services;14.Wholesale,Retail Trades,Hotels,Catering Services and Tourism;15.Science and Education;16.Culture and Sports;17.Health;18.Publish Administration and Others;19.Enterprise Survey;20.Main Economic Indicators of City Prefecture and County etc.At the end of each chapter,Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators are included. Ⅲ.In comparison with the Fujian Statistical Yearbook 2017,following revisions have been made in this new version in terms of the statistical contents and in editing: 1.The order of the individual chapters have adjusted,General Survey increase the basic Unit of the Annual Report Legal Entity.2.Years mainly uniformed justment 2000,2005,2010,2016,2017 five years.3.According to the new situation of the annual report system changes,some statistical indexes of the text and the adjustment of the standard. Ⅳ.The data of Jinmen county are not included in this yearbook except for some additional notes on it. Ⅴ.Data source,calculation scope for important statistical data in this yearbook are noted in each chapter. Ⅵ.The units of measurement used in this yearbook are national standard measurement units. Ⅶ.The statistics data published in the past is re-verified in this book.Any discrepancy between the data of this book,it prevails. Ⅷ.As a result of the different unit choices,part of the total or relative data produce calculation error in The yearbook,we do not mechanical adjustment. Ⅸ.Notations used in the yearbook:"Blank Space" indicates absence or ignorance or insufficient decimal place of data indicator;“#” indicates a major breakdown of the total. Ⅹ.The indicator of production value in this yearbook is calculated according to prices of the year.Growth rate and indices of production value is calculated according to comparable prices. Ⅺ.Growth rates and indices in this yearbook are calculated by "level approach".
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