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中国循环经济年鉴 2016年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:82M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2017-07-07 数据来源:未知 关注人气:
一、《中国循环经济年鉴》是全面记载我国循环经济发展历程的大型典籍工具书,坚持以习近平总书记为核心的党中央提出的绿色发展理念,推动绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展,建设生态文明和美丽中国。 二、《中国循环经济年鉴》从2008年出版发行以来,受到了各方面的欢迎和赞许,给了我们继续努力编辑出版《中国循环经济年鉴》以巨大鼓舞和鞭策。 三、《中国循环经济年鉴2016》内容是2015年度中国循环经济的发展状况,采用文章、条目、报表和图片相结合的体例。 四、《中国循环经济年鉴2016》具有一些明显特点,如载入的事件、信息、数据、资料、图片等都来自官方和公开出版物,具有权威性、真实性;内容比较全面、系统、完整,从中央到地方,以至企业、园区、各个行业、领域,言论、重大活动和事件、法规、政策、科技、典型案例,多层次、全方位,涉及循环经济的方方面面,丰富、翔实;收录了反映我国循环经济的图片,具有较强的可视性、生动性和可读性。 五、《中国循环经济年鉴2016》载入了循环经济试点单位实践经验,从而增加了交流和借鉴的价值。 六、《中国循环经济年鉴2016》在编辑出版过程中,得到了国务院有关部委(局),各省、市、自治区、计划单列市,国家各重点行业及其协会、循环经济试点单位的大力支持,在此深表感谢! 七、《中国循环经济年鉴》编辑部设在北京现代循环经济研究院。 八、由于缺乏经验和水平所限,存在的疏漏乃至错误,敬请不吝指正。 The Chinese Circular Economy Yearbook is a large-sized reference book tocomprehensively record recycle economy history in our country.It adheres to the philosphy ofgreen growth proposed by the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping andpromotes green growth,circular economy,low carbon economy,the consrtuction of ecologicalcivilization and bertuful China. Since Chinese Circular Economy Yearbook is published for the first time in 2008,it isalways welcomed and praised.Those compliments strongly encourage us to keep makingendeavors to edit Chinese Circular Economy Yearbook. The Chinese Circular Economy Yearbook 2016 records the development of ChineseCircular Economy in 2015 with the text mode combining with articles,entries,forms andpictures. The Chinese Circular Economy Yearbook 2016 has some distinct characteristics,such asall the affairs,information,data,materials and pictures inside coming from official resourcesor publications with authority and reality;It is comprehensive,systematic and full contentcovers from the central government to local government and enterprises,industrial parks,every industries,areas,speeches,important events and affairs,laws,policies,sciences andtypical cases;It involves in every aspects of the recycle economy from different levels and allorientations;It collects nearly portraying the recycle economy in our country and hence it isinteresting to see and read. The Chinese Circular Economy Yearbook 2016 records experiences from recycle economyexperimental units which enhances its reference value. During the edition of the Yearbook,it is highly appreciated for the strong support fromthe ministries and commissions of the State Department,every province,cities,municipalitiesand cities specifically designated in the state plan,Guiyang City,the Development andReform Commission of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps of CPLA,every nationalimportant industries and their associations,recycle economy experimental units. The newsroom of the Yearbook is located in Beijing Modem Recycle Economy Academy(010-84119310,gzp1616@126.com). Due to limited experiences and level,please don't hesitate to let us know if there's anyomission and error.
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