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西安统计年鉴 2016年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:107M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2017-07-22 数据来源:西安市统计局;国家统计局西安调查队 关注人气:
一、《西安统计年鉴—2016》系统收录了全市、区县及开发区2015年经济、社会各方面统计数据,以及重要历史年份主要统计数据,是一部全面记载西安市国民经济和社会发展情况的大型连续性统计文献资料和重要工具书。 二、本年鉴正文内容分为二十二个篇章:(一)综合;(二)基本单位;(三)国民经济核算;(四)人口、从业人员与职工工资;(五)固定资产投资;(六)财政;(七)物价指数;(八)人民生活;(九)城市公用事业;(十)环境保护;(十一)农业;(十二)工业;(十三)能源;(十四)建筑业;(十五)运输和邮电;(十六)国内贸易;(十七)对外经济贸易和旅游;(十八)服务业;(十九)金融业;(二十)教育和科技;(二十一)文化、体育、卫生、社会福利和其他;(二十二)企业调查。同时,为方便读者使用,各篇章前设有简要说明和主要统计指标,对本篇章的主要内容、资料来源、以及历史变动情况予以简要概述,篇末附有《主要统计指标解释》。 三、本年鉴统计资料的统计标准,按当时国家统计制度执行,有关指标的涵义、口径、范围、计算方法等,在不同时期可能有所不同,使用时请注意。如国民经济行业分类按GB/T4754-2011标准执行。 四、为便于国内外读者查阅,本年鉴全部内容均采用中英文对照编辑。 五、本年鉴中国民经济核算部分的2013年数据为全国第三次经济普查数据,2009-2012年数据为依据第三次经济普查修订数据;工业部分的2013年数据为第三次经济普查数据;国内贸易部分的2009-2013年为依据第三次经济普查调整后数据。 六、本年鉴中的部分指标合计数或相对数由于单位取舍不同产生的计算误差均未作机械调整。 七、本年鉴所使用的计量单位均依据2015年相关统计报表制度。 八、本年鉴使用的符号说明:“空白”表示该项统计指标无数据或数据不详;“#”表示其中项;“”表示另有注解。 感谢社会各界长期以来对《西安统计年鉴》的广泛关注和大力支持。为进一步做好工作,更好地为广大读者服务,希望社会各界提出宝贵意见。 Ⅰ.Xi'an Statistical Yearbook 2016 is a periodical statistic yearbook which record economic and socialdevelopment of Xi'an all-around in 2015 and some selected data series in historical important years.With itsfeatures of comprehensive and intensive information,this practically provides data covering the situation ofsocial and economic developments in Xi'an.II.The book contains twenty-two parts,1.General Survey;2.Basic Unit;3.National Economic Account;4.Population,Employment and Wages;5.Investment in FixedAssets;6.Government Finance;7.Price Indices;8.People's Livelihood;9.Urban Public Utilities;10.Environmental Protection;11.Agriculture;12.Industry;13.Energy;14.Construction;15.Transportation,Post and Telecommunication Service;16.Domestic Trade;17.Foreign Trade;18.Tertiary Industry;19.Banking and Insurance;20.Education,Science and Technology;21.Culture,Sports,Public Health,Social Welfare Institutions and Other Social Activities;22.Enterprises Investigation.As insert pagesincluding statistical graphs and charts. Ⅲ.The data of various years in conformity to the statistical standards prescribed by national statisticalsystem of the time.The meaning,scope and calculating method of indicators may have some difference indifferent periods,which readers must pay attention to.For example,national industries classification iscarried out according to standard GB/T4754-2011.For the sake of comparison of the old and new industrystandards,we edit the division's data in some major indicators according to standard GB/T4754-2011. Ⅳ.For the convenience of being consulted by foreigners,the book is Chinese-English bilingual edition. Ⅴ.In this yearbook,data from 2013 at the part of National Economic Account and Industry is theresults of Third National Economic Census,the data from 2009 to 2012 at the part of National EconomicAccount and data from 2009 to 2013 at the part of Domestic Trade have adjusted by Third NationalEconomic Census. Ⅵ.Statistical discrepancies due to rounding are not adjusted automatically in this yearbook. Ⅶ.Unit of measurement is used in this yearbook according to 2014 statistics system. Ⅷ.Explanations on symbols used in this yearbook: (Blank)indicates the data not available; #indicates the items of the total. *indicates some other explanatory note. Here we would like to express our sincere thanks to the people for their concerning and support to theXi'an statistical yearbook.In order to do better and provide better service to readers,we hope that the wholesociety fields can propose constructive advices.
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