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浙江统计年鉴 2015年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:54M 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2015-11-26 数据来源:统计局 关注人气:
一、《浙江统计年鉴-2015》是一部全面反映浙江国民经济和社会发展情况的资料性年刊,本年鉴收录了浙江及各市、县2014年经济和社会各方面大量的统计数据,以及改革开放以来浙江主要统计数据。二、全书内容分为18部分,即:1.综合;2.人口和就业人员;3.固定资产投资;4.价格;5.人民生活;6.农业;7.工业和能源;8.建筑业;9.交通运输和邮电通信业;10.批发、零售贸易和餐饮业;11.对外经济贸易和旅游;12.财政、金融和保险;13.城市建设和生态环境;14.教育、科技、专利、测绘和标准计量;15.文化、体育和卫生;16.档案、司法、社会福利和工会组织;17.各市、县国民经济主要指标;18.附录(信心指数、开发区(园区)统计情况、投入产出表)。为便于读者使用,部分统计表下作了简要注释,每篇章后附有《主要统计指标解释》。三、本年鉴对过去发表的统计资料重新予以核实,凡与本年鉴数据有出入的,以本年鉴为准。四、本年鉴凡带续表的资料,如有注解均注在最后一张续表的下方。五、本年鉴中符号使用说明:“…”表示数据不足本表最小单位数;“#”表示其中主要项;“空格”表示该项统计指标数据不详或无该项数据。《浙江统计年鉴》自公开出版以来,受到了社会各界的关心和支持,对年鉴编辑工作提出了许多宝贵意见,对此我们深表谢意。为进一步提高统计年鉴的编辑水平,欢迎读者继续对年鉴的不足之处给予批评和指正。Zhejiang Statistical Yearbook 2015 is an annual statistics publication,which containsvery comprehensive statistics of Zhejiang9 s social and economic development in 2014 andselected data since China adopted the policy of reforming and opening to the outside world.The yearbook is composed of 18 parts.1.General Survey 2.Population and Employment3.Investment in Fixed Assets 4.Prices 5.People*s Livelihood 6.Agriculture 7.Industry andEnergy 8.Construction 9.Transportation,Posts and Telecommunications 10.Wholesale andRetail Sale Trade and Catering Trade 11.Foreign Economy and Trade,Tourism 12.PublicFinance,Banking and Insurance 13.City Construction and Environment 14.Education,Science,Patent,Surveying and Mapping and Standard Calculating 15.Culture,Sports andPublic Health 16.Archives,Judicature,Social Welfare and Labour Union 17.MajorIndicators of National Economy by City and County 18.Appendix(Confidence Index,Development Zone,Input output table).In addition,brief notes are placed at lower part ofsome tables and explanatory notes on main indicators are provided at end of each part.The statistics in former statistical yearbook have already been checked.The data inZhejiang statistical yearbook 2014 shall be regarded as authentic ones.The footnotes areplaced at the last page,if the table is a continued one.Notations used in this yearbook:indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unitin the table.indiates the major items of the total,“blank”indicates that the data isunavailable.Since published openly,Previous Editions of Zhejiang Statistics Yearbook have enjoyedwide concern and support,all circles have made many valuable suggestions,and we expressheartfelt thanks.In order to improve yearbook editorial level,we welcome all candidcomments and criticism from our readers.
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