本年刊旨在輯錄由政府統計處及其他政府部門和機構所編製的一些香港統計數列。大部分發表的數列涵蓋最近10 年期間的情況,有助讀者比較近期的發展。
The purpose of this annual publication is to bring together in one volume statistical series on Hong Kong compiled by the Census and Statistics Department and other government departments and
organisations. Most of the data series presented reflect the latest situation covering a time span of the recent 10 years, enabling readers to compare the developments in recent time periods.
本年刊的內容不斷加強, 以反映近期的統計發展。我們希望本年刊能讓讀者從統計角度全面了解香港社會和經濟的發展。
Enhancements are continuously made to the contents of the publication to reflect current statistical developments. We hope that this publication will provide users with a comprehensive overview of Hong Kong’s social and economic developments from a statistical perspective.
政府統計處在籌備本年刊時, 獲有關政府部門和機構提供有用資料,本人對它們的支持謹表謝意。
I would like to express my gratitude to thecontributing government departments and organisations for their support during the preparation of this publication.
Leslie TANG
Commissioner for Census and Statistics
2014 年11 月 November 2014