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中国农业年鉴(英文版) 2004年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:111 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2011-06-09 数据来源:未知 关注人气:
(2004) is a book of references to the development and information of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries, township enterprises, land reclamation, farm machinery, water conservancy, meteorology and etc. in China. It has been published both in Chinese and English since 1985. The English edition bases itself mainly on the Chinese edition of China Agriculture Yearbook 2004 and is supplemented by new entries and special columns. The compilation is under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture and from the assistance of various ministries and state departments concerned. The data of the statistics of agricultural economy are from the State Bureau of Statistics, the Ministry of Agriculture, the State Forestry Administration, the Ministry of Water Resources, the China Meteorological Administration and the General Administration of Customs and etc. The English edition of this Yearbook does not include the information from Taiwan Province unless specially stated.
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相关年鉴()下载更多: 中国农业年鉴(英文版)(33)

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