In accordance with the decision of the State Council,China carried out the Second NationalAgricultural Census with December 31,2006 as reference time and 2006 as reference period.Theobjects of census were rural households,urban household agricultural holdings,non-householdagricultural holdings,villagers'committees,and town and township government within the territoryof the People's Republic of China.The contents of census included condition and activities ofagriculture sector,agricultural land use,rural labour and employment,rural infrastructure and basicsocial services,living conditions of rural residents,as well as related information of town and town-ship government and villagers'committees.Agricultural census adopted comprehensive survey ap-proach and the enumerators interviewed the respondent of census objects and recorded what theyobtained in questionnaires.The census enabled us to understand the basic situation related toagriculture,rural areas and rural residents in China.The Abstract of the Second National Agricultural Census consists of eight parts:Part one issummary of the Second National Agricultural Census;Part two is basic statistics of census coverageand objects;Part three is about condition and activities of agriculture sector;Part four is about ruralinfrastructure and basic social services;Part five is about living conditions of rural residents;Part sixis about rural labour and employment;Part seven is the comparison of the major findings of the firstand the second national agricultural census;and part eight is methodology and explanatory notesadopted in the Second National Agricultural Census.National data in this book do not include those of Taiwan Province,Hong Kong and MacaoSpecial Administrative Region.In accordance with the National Standard of Industrial Classification for National EconomicActivities(GB/T 4754-2002),the agriculture mentioned in this book includes crop fanning,forestry,animal husbandry,fishery and aquaculture,and agricultural service.Notation used in this book:“…”indicates that the data is not large enough to be measured withsmallest unit of the current table,"blank space" indicates absence of data or that the data is notavailable and“#”indicates that it is a major breakdown of the total.The grouping of data in this book includes the upper boundary and dose not include lowerboundary.The editor would like to express gratitude to the support rendered by the statistic bureaus ofprovinces,autonomous regions and municipalities,relevant departments and survey organizationsof the National Bureau of Statistics.