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浦东年鉴(英文版) 1998年 PDF版

文件版本:PDF版本 【版本说明?】 语言类别:简体中文 文件大小:67 授权方式:注册会员 所需金币:10  如何获取金币? 更新时间:2011-07-09 数据来源:未知 关注人气:
Pudong Yearbook 1998·English Version is the sec-ond yearbook in English edited and published by the Edi-torial Office of Pudong Yearbook under the leadership ofthe Pudong New Area Administrative Committee.Theyearbook completely and systematically records the newachievements and experiences in politics,economy,cul-ture and social activities obtained by Pudong in the year of1997,including the new problems and conditions.Wehope sincerely that the publication of the yearbook willopen a window to the outside world by providing them withvaluable materials,information and historical factsPudong witnessed during the year of 1997.Pudong Yearbook 1998 is simply compiled in cate-gories,including writings,statistical data and pictures.In about 100 thousand words the yearbook outlines nearlyall the happenings and valuable information in this area in18 categories,such as the chronicle of events,basicfacts,development zones,construction environment,fi-nance,foreign economic relations and trade,industry,commerce and tourism,agricultural economy,economicmangement,politics,law,labor and personnel,sci-ence,education,public health and social life etc.Based on the first English Version,Pudong Year-book 1998 puts great emphasis on the recording and nar-rating of the categories about the development zones andthe economic construction,and at the same time makessome necessary adjustments in the numbers,categories,columns and contents.For example,the category of“fi-nance and tax”in the first version is put into the categoryof“economic management”in this version in accordancewith the functions it performs,while the category of“Fi-nance”is newly added to this version。
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相关年鉴()下载更多: 浦东年鉴(英文版)(16)

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