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tyre industry of japan (日本轮胎工业)

时间:2009-11-18 17:01数据来源:夏泽网 点击:
tyre industry of japan,日本轮胎工业

年鉴中文名: 日本轮胎工业
年鉴英文名: tyre industry of japan
本站收录年鉴: 2011年-2010年-2009年-2008年-2007年-2006年
内容介绍: I. History of the Japanese Tyre Industry
1. Brief History of the Japanese Tyre Industry
2. Changes in the Tyre and Automobile Production
II. The Japanese Tyre Industry Today
1. Overview
2. Production Trends by Tyre Category
3. Trends in Sales of Original Equipment Tyres
4. Trends in Sales of Replacement Tyres
Trends in Sales of summer tyres and winter tyres for replacement (for four-wheeled vehicles)
5. Trends in Sales of Export Tyres
6. Exports by Region of Destination
7. Imports by Region of Origin
III. Measures for Tyre Safety
1. Safety Standards for Automobile Tyres
2. Tyre Standards
3. Legal Limits on Tread Wear
4. Product Inspection
IV. Consideration for Environment
1. Approach to “Reduce”
2. Recycling Situation
3. Situation in Illegal Piling & Dumping of Scrapped Tyres
V. Reference
1. Automobiles and Tyres
2. Distribution Channels
3. Raw Materials
4. Tyre Production Worldwide
The Japan Automobile Tyre Manufacturers Association, Inc.
JATMA Member Firms
Distribution of Member Firms’ Automobile Tyre Plants
备注: (以上年鉴均以收录,由于年鉴数目众多,未一一上传,如有需要,请联系管理员。)

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